
Illuminated Addresses & Awards

" A very good system obtains in the Carlton club, viz., that of presenting illuminated addresses in recognition of a fixed period of service, and thus any suspicion of bribery cannot lie." - Bendigo Advertiser April 02 1892

Illuminated Addresses were a token of appreciation to mark an occasion such a person's long service to a business or a club. It appears these testimonials became popular from the 1850's in business and it is believed that Carlton was the first Australian Football club to honour their players in this way. The addresses were hand written and decorated on high quality paper and were accompanied by a speech usually from the President or a Vice President at the Annual General Meeting. The AGM was held early in the year prior to the start of the football season. At these meetings other awards were also made to the best players of the First and Second Twenties. Items such as silver belt buckles, silver tea or coffee services, gold lockets, or even pieces of furniture were awarded. Sometimes at the end of the season a Special Meeting of the club was held and some awards were presented. This recognition of club men was also a way of rewarding players in a supposed era of strict amateurism.

Many of the illuminated addresses were the handy-work of the dynamic Tom Power and Robert Richardson who were both pioneer players and administrators.

In May 1872 the Carlton AGM was held at the Bowling Green Hotel in Lygon Street.
The Australasian reported;
"The room presented quite an attractive appearance, being embellished with testimonials presented to veteran members, the club's old photos, the South Yarra Cup, won by the club, and a large photograph of the first twenty and office bearers, lately taken by Mr. Hewitt, of Swanston-street, and ornamented by Mr. R. Richardson."

When Tom Power passed away, the Australasian's cricket writer "Felix" (Thomas Horan, a Test cricketer and occasional Carlton footballer.) in November 26 (p20) 1904 wrote;
"Another old identity passed away this week. In the palmy days of the Carlton Football Club there was no name better known in football circles than that of T. P. Power. He was a host in himself in furthering the interests of the Carlton club, and as hon. secretary for several seasons he was simply the personification of energy.
Those were the days of J. Donovan, O. T. L. O'Brien, T. Gorman, J. Gardiner, G. Kennedy, W. Dedman, Harry Guy, G. Coulthard, W. Monie, W. Goer, W. Newing, J. Clark, G. Robertson and others, when the ringing shouts went up Saturday after Saturday, and season after season. "Forward Carlton," "Now then, Carlton."
I shall never forget the pride Tom Power used to take in connection with the preparation of illuminated addresses for presentation to players. R. Richardson who died some months ago, was a dab hand at ornamental penmanship, and many a Sunday he spent at Tom Power's request in producing really beautiful work, and the care bestowed on the ornamental work was only exceeded on the care bestowed on the composition of the address. The drafts were something to look at after all erasures, interlineations, and marginal corrections had been completed.
T. P. Power was a man of unbounded energy, and fine business capacity, and on the sport of football alone he published one of the most readable records* ever printed in Victoria. Old Carltonians especially will read of his death with keen regret. He attained the age of 60 years."

.* "The Footballer" was the first publication dedicated to Australian Football. The annual was published by Tom Power from 1875 - 1881 inclusive.

The earliest recorded illuminated address that Blueseum knows of was awarded to Harry Guy in 1868. (See below)
Only two images of printed illuminated addresses have been found so far. The earliest is the one presented to Jack Conway in 1870 and the other is Jack Donovan's presented to him in early 1872.
Conway's was unearthed in August 2015, lying long forgotten in the vaults of the Sydney Cricket Ground Trust. Unfortunately it suffers from some water damage. Donovan's is on display at the Sports Museum at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.
These two images will soon be made available on Blueseum.
Donovan address – Courtesy of the Australian Gallery of Sport and Olympic Museum collection. Kindly donated to the Australian Gallery of Sport and Olympic Museum by Mrs Valerie Van Kaenel (1988.1926.1)

The address says:

"This little souvenir in remembrance of the Challenge Cup is from the Members of the Carlton Football Club as a small token of the high esteem and regard felt for you since your Membership and a slight acknowledgement of the zeal displayed and enthusiasm inspired in your team as Captain in that memorable Victory." Season 1872

The Illuminated Address developed into the Life Certificate and other Certificates of Appreciation presented by the club to their players.
At Carlton, illuminated addresses were given to players who had played for four years. (Herald March 30 1894 p3)

So far, Blueseum has not found any awards presented before 1868.
If four years of service was the criteria for such an award, then at the end of season 1867 would be the first year to meet that requirement, 1864, 1865, 1866, and 1867.
However, it seems improbable that the club would not have made some sort of awards for best players, goal kickers etc. prior to this. These are yet to to be found.

1868: Harry Guy was presented with an illuminated address which was signed by every member at the AGM April 16.

1868: Francis Frank Hillsden presented with an illuminated address at a meeting on September 17.

1868: Harry Guy, Orlando 'Lanty' O'Brien, Adamson, Dr. Jim C. Duncan and Wilton Barfoot were presented with silver belt buckles for distinguished play during the season at a special meeting on October 08.

Harry Guy's 1868 belt buckle

1870: Jack Conway was presented with an illuminated address at the AGM April 28.

1871: unknown

1872: Orlando 'Lanty' O'Brien and Bill Williams were presented with an illuminated address. Gold lockets were presented to Tom Power, Donovan, and Clarke for services to the club.

1873: Jim Williams, George D. Kennedy, Jack Donovan received illuminated addresses.
Harry Guy received a tea service as a mark of esteem for his long service to the club.

1874: John Macgibbon, Dr. Jim C. Duncan and W. 'Bill' Newing were presented with illuminated addresses.

1875: Billy Monie, John Blanchard, Sam A. Wallace, Andy McHarg received illuminated addresses. Billy Lacey, W. 'Bill' Newing, James S. Dismorr presented with gold lockets. Tom Power presented with a tea and coffee service. A vote of thanks to D. Jones for his work with the second twenty.

1876: Billy Dedman & James S. Dismorr were presented with illuminated addresses. George McGill, John Gardiner, William Goer & Jack Kendall received gold lockets.

1877: John Gardiner, Adam Kennedy & Thomas Kennedy were presented with illuminated addresses.


1878: George Robertson & William Goer were presented with illuminated addresses. George Coulthard with Edward Brendel & Robert Knowles both from the Second Twenty presented with gold lockets.

1879: George McGill, Henry 'Harry' Nudd & James Robertson were presented with illuminated addresses.
The Sydney Daily Telegraph (Nov. 12 p3) reported that George Coulthard is to receive a testimonial for his football prowess during this season.
Is this his illuminated address in 1880?

1880: George Coulthard, John A. Turnbull, Barney Murphy & Joe H. Henry were presented with illuminated addresses. Wally Robertson & James Sutherland from the second twenty received gold lockets.

1881: No report of the AGM has been located. John Rickards received illum. ad. for the Carlton F. C. Sports Day held on Sept 17

1882: Edward "Ted" Barrass and Alexander Ford. Second Twenty medals J. Leach and N. Samuels.

1883: Dick Frayne, Alick Coventry & J. Rickards were presented with illuminated addresses. Second twenty players, Melville (ring), Doran (locket), J. Muir & James Woods (medals)

1884: Eddy M. Brookes, Charlie Donovan, Tim Maloney & H. Wilson were presented with illuminated addresses. A 'handsome desk' presented to Jack Baker. Second twenty players; Martin & Woodburn presented with gold ring & chain, John 'Jack' Melville a tea & coffee service.

1885: Sam Bloomfield, Frank Spear & John 'Jack' Melville were presented with illuminated addresses. Treasurer McArthur B. Hearne received an illuminated address & a gold watch for services to the club.
Former original player, secretary & treasurer Tom Power was presented with Carlton's 1871 Challenge Cup, as a token of esteem.
Second Twenty gold medals presented to C. Jackson and C. Carter.

The inscription says "To J. Byrne (captn) First Intercolonial Match Vics v Melbourne 1877"
The "Vics" were an Adelaide team originally made up of expats from Victoria.
Image: Origins of Australian Football Vol. 2 p161, M.C.C. Collection
An example of a charm bracelet/gold locket presented to James Byrne former Carlton player who became Melbourne's captain.
Many of these valuable gold items have not survived as they were probably pawned by the recipient soon after receiving them.

1886: Jack Baker and James Woods received illuminated addresses, Mick Whelan received a marble clock for best play. Alex Mair and T. Launders of the Second Twenty received gold lockets on April 02.

1887: Fred McIntosh, George Bragge, Mick Whelan received illuminated addresses. Tommy Leydin received a gold locket for 'excellent play.' Second twenty players T. Burns, W. Woodburn & J. Davie (gold lockets)

1888: John G. Cook received an illuminated address for long service to the club. Mick Whelan received the Mr. G. Ellis Prize a marble clock, by a vote of his team mates for "best play in the team." Gold lockets presented to Second Twenty players R. Calder & J. Lording.
The Carlton president Alexander Gillespie, secretary W. C. Donaldson and captain Tommy Leydin were presented with portraits of the First Twenty.

1889: Tommy Leydin, William Strickland & William H. Crapp received illuminated addresses. Second twenty players E. Tubb, M. Lemon, H. Carlyle, H. Steel received gold lockets

1890: Walter 'Dolly' Batters, Tim McInerney, A. 'Dick' Gellatley received illuminated addresses. Second Twenty players Jim Russ, William Hannah, William Mears, J. Kelly received awards.

1891: Jack Keane, Dan Hutchison, Charles Coulson , Bill Moloney received an illuminated address for long service to the club. Gold lockets presented to J. Adams & R. Carsons of the Second Twenty for excellence of play.

1892: Ned Sutton received an illuminated address for long service to the club.

Mr. P. Williams
Dear Sir,
We the member of this Club wishing to show our appreciation in the scroll as a token of our esteem and friendship.
We remember with very much pleasure the many occasions on which you have so ably displayed your prowess in the manly sport of Football and have greatly -
admired the courtesy you invariably extended towards your comrades.
We have no hesitation in saying that your untiring zeal and exertions as one of
our leading players have most materially assisted in retaining the former proud position of the Club.
We hope to see you still taking a formost place in our ranks, and trust that
your example may inspire the younger players with an earnest desire to uphold the prestige of the Dark Blues.
Trusting that this may ever remain a pleasing memento of our warm
appreciation and regard. We are Dear Sir
With many expressions of our sincerity.
Your Admirers
Alexander Gillespie, John Melville, M. B. Hearne
Vice Presidents
Cr. J. Gardiner, A. Gunn Esq, J. Moloney Esq, J. S. Henderson Esq, W. Ivers M.L.A.
W. Strickland, J. G. McCutchan, D. McMurtrie,
D. Hutchison, J. M. Irons, W. Hemsworth
W. E. Moloney, W. C. Donaldson, W. Bailey
Hon Sec 2nd 20
E. Marie
Carlton 29 March 1893

1893: 'Gib' Currie, Jack Roberts, Peter Williams, Bill Walton received illuminated address for long service. Gold lockets presented to R. Cameron and A. Grant of the second twenty for excellence of play.

1894: At the AGM, "The Chairman intimated that no member had qualified himself by four years' play to receive an illuminated address." (Herald March 30 p3)
James 'Jigger' Morehouse complained that Mr. Maloney (Bill Moloney) had received one after playing only three seasons. A unanimous motion was then passed to provide Morehouse with an illuminated address. (Herald March 30 p3)

1895: unknown, possibly the same reason as in 1894 - no mention in The Age, The Argus or The Leader's AGM reports.

1896: Tom Blake, Fred Rolfe & Jimmy Aitken received illuminated addresses.


1897: unknown AGM held 26 March at Carlton Hall Princes Street.

1898: "Following the old practice of the club there were four illuminated addresses presented to Messrs Woodhouse, Hannah, Bill Patterson, Balharry, for long service." (Herald April 06 p3) There was Alby and Bill Patterson. Ably had left Carlton early in season 1897.

1899: Long Service Testimonials presented to; J. Moloney (MLA), Ernie Walton, Chic Breese, R. Bob Armstrong

1900: Illuminated Address and Long Service; R. Dick Frost, R. Dick Stewart, W. Bill Casey, Wally Ocock

1901: Long service Testimonials presented to; Bobby Walsh and Arthur Thompson Wally Ocock

1902: Illuminated address to W. Sharkey who is heading to W.A. Gold medals for excellence of play to E. Walton (Capt) , C. Rolands. T/F? Elliott

1903: H. McShane, W. H. MacNamara Special prize to E.. Walton eight years successive play., Tea set to M. B. Hearne for 28 years of service.

1904: Illuminated addresses presented to Messrs. Robert Heatley (ex president), T. Malcolm (ex vice president), M. B. Hearne (ex treasurer) "and to a number of the players"

1905: An iIluminated address was presented to Fred Elliott at the AGM on 17 March 1905.

1906: IIluminated addresses to G. Topping, A. Snell and Mr. Evans. Silver tea kettle to J. McShane for services rendered.

1907: Long Service Testamonials to J. Flynn (captain), George Bruce (vice captain), M. Grace and F. Hince. Premiership caps and medals were presented.

1908: Long Service Testamonials to E. Kennedy, W. Payne and J. Marchbank.

1914: An illuminated address was presented to Archie Wilson by Carlton secretary J. Clinton in Shepparton, on February 11. (Kyabram Guardian Feb 17 p3)

1915: Premiership caps and medals to J. W. Dick and team members. Long service addresses to S. V. Green, V. G. Valentine, Four years service, V. Gardiner, son of Carlton President.

1917: Long Service Certificates P. O'Brien, A. Sharp, A. Bond/A. Baud? Life Membership C. Hammond, E. Jamieson

1918: Illuminated address was awarded to P. O'Brien. Long Service Certificates to C. Fisher, S. Leehane, E. V .Brown, M. Kiely, P. Daykin.
Cr. G. Ievers presented the club with a memento of the jubilee of his association with club in the shape of a framed photograph and the words of several of his songs written and sung from 1878 - 1914.
(Sporting Judge April 20 p4)

1919: Carlton 54th AGM mention is made of receipts for illuminated addresses and photos of 42 pounds and two shillings. ($84.20)

1923: Long Service Certificates. N. Chandler, A. Boromeo, T. McLatchie

1924: Long Service Certificates. H. R.Clover, R. Hiskins, M. Beasy, W. Blackman. Life Membership; F. Williams (timekeeper) J. McIntosh (doorkeeper)

1925: Long Service Certificates. H. Toole, Alex Duncan, H. Bell. Life Membership; Fred Jinks, Frank Martin

1926: Long Service Certificates. Jim Watson, Harold Credlin, Jack Morrisey. Gold Medals, Alan Leitch (most consistant player), H. Blackmore (consistant player), C. McSwain (most improved player), H. Dunne (most consistant player from second eighteen)

1927: Long Service Certificates (4 years) R. Brew and H. Blackmore. Life Member Certificates presented W. McNamara and J. Sullivan. F. Irwin, a gold watch for most consistent player.
Cake Dish to H. Carter for most consistent play. M. Connell a medal for most improved. N.Collins and J. Morrisery, a hat each, for best first new player and consistent play.

1928: Long Service Certificates (4 years) H. Carter, H. Dunn and J. Goonan. Life Membership Certificates H. Clover, M. Beasy, W. Colenso, G. Hooper (a club member for 43 years), G. Millson (a club member for 40 years)

To be completed

Pre VFL : Pre VFL Players : Pre VFL Rules of Football : Formation of the Club : Pre VFL Venues
Contributors to this page: blueycarlton .
Page last modified on Friday 29 of September, 2023 23:15:26 AEST by blueycarlton.