1875 was the year of Carlton's Fifth Premiership.

Carlton Captain. J.H.Guy.
Vice Captain. J. Gardiner.
President: R. Robertson.
Vice Presidents: E. Latham, John Donovan, George Kennedy.
Secretary: T. Power.
Second Twenty Sec: David Jones.
Members: 200.
Finances. Receipts for 1874 totaled 75 pounds 17 shillings and 9 pence. ($151.78)
Honours. Champion of the Colony. George Robertson.
Goal kicking Champion of the Colony. William Dedman 13 goals,
Home Ground; Royal Park. (Near main entrance)
Table to be completed- A/Asian October 09 p12
Football's popularity was increasing.
By 1875 there were 96 clubs in Melbourne with a membership of 4037 and a playing list of 2800.
In country Victoria 42 clubs existed with 1520 members, nearly all who were players.
Grey socks were replaced with one's of blue with white hoops.
Similar to Geelong's, although Geelong would copy Carlton and first wear them next season in 1876.
Carlton offered a Cup for a Second 18 competition, 8 clubs competed. Carlton, Melbourne, Carlton Imperial, Albert Park, East Melbourne, North Melbourne, St.Kilda, and West Melbourne.
Carlton Imperials winning the Cup.
The Argus Saturday 8th named these players taking part in a scratch match between a Carlton First Twenty and a Carlton 25 at Royal Park at 3pm.
First Twenty;
Blanchard, Donovan, Dedman, Dalton, Dismorr, Guy (Capt), Kendall, the three Kennedys, McGill, MacGibbon, O'Brien, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, G.Robertson, Wallace, Williamson, and W. Williams.
Carlton 25;
The two Amess, Aram, Azzopardi, Brookes, Bennett, Boyle, Carr, Coulthard, Carroll, Downing , Hillsden, Hilton, Jones, T. Lacey, Lamond, Muir, Monie, Noall, Page, Prendergast, Richardson, Tuohey or Toohey, F. Power, Turnbull, Vale, and F. Williams.
St.Kilda merged with University in June for the remainder of the season.
Season opened with a match in Maryborough, the club's first visit there, and others against East Melbourne and Carlton Imperials.
10,000 turned out to see Carlton play Melbourne.
As one writer said
"Nothing else is worth seeing in comparison"
Carlton predicted crowd encroachment problems and asked for adequate police assistance.
Two policeman were sent to do the job.
The third Melbourne game was played on the University ground, which had been loaned for the occasion. Carlton won 2-0.
Admission to this match was 6 pence (5 cents)
6000 attended and 105 pounds ($210) was taken at the gates.
People objected to paying and many jumped the fence.
The money raised was donated to a Sandhurst (Bendigo) cricketer who was badly injured in an explosion.
Carlton defeated it's old rival Melbourne 3 out 4 times.
"The Footballer" was published first in 1875.
This was edited by Carlton Secretary T.Power.
In it was a table that showed that Carlton and Melbourne had met 36 times from 1866 - 1875.
Carlton had won 13 times,
Melbourne 8, and 15 drawn.
In those games Carlton had scored 24 goals to Melbourne's 17.
Discussing the 11 years of organised Australian Football, T. Power wrote:
"The annals of Carlton blaze with the deeds of Harry Guy, the invincible back player; James Byrne , Harry Chadwick , their captain; Lanty O'Brien , Frank Hillsden , J.Duncan, the great drop kick; the Williams brothers, J. Clark , a fine forward; W. 'Bill' Gorman, the goal sneak; and his brother T.Gorman (Tom) , the 'heavy charger.' "
1875.Premiers. Carlton. 2. Melbourne, 3. Carlton Imperial.
1875 Fixture-Results.
First Twenty.
May 22. - At Royal Park; v Hawthorn 25. (most matches postponed due rain)
May 29. - At Maryborough; v Maryborough. Won-7 Goals ( Dedman 5, Newing 1, Nudd 1 ) to Nil.
June 05.- At Royal Park; v East Melbourne. Won 2 Goals (Blanshard and McGill, 1)
June 12.- At Royal Park; v Carlton Imperial. Drawn- 1 Goal (McGill) to 1.
June 19.- At Royal Park; v Melbourne. Won 1 Goal (Nudd) to Nil.
June 26.- At Royal Park; v North Melbourne. Drawn- No goals kicked.
July 03. - At Royal Park; v Hawthorn and Clifton, combined, 19 to 23, Won - 6 Goals (Dedman 4, Newing 1, Nudd 1) to Nil.
July 17. - At Melbourne; v Melbourne. Lost 2 Goals to Nil.
July 24. - At Royal Park; v Albert Park. Drawn - 1 Goal (Newing) to 1.
July 31. - At Royal Park; v StKilda/University. Won- 4 Goals (Newing 2, Lacey 1, McGill 1) to Nil.
Aug.07. - At Melbourne; v East Melbourne. Won - 1 Goal (S.Wallace) to Nil.
Aug.14. - At Royal Park; v Carlton Imperial. Drawn - No goals kicked.
Aug.21. - At University Ground; v Melbourne. Won -2 Goals (McGill and Dedman) to Nil.
Aug.28. - At Royal Park; v Geelong. Won - 4 Goals (Lacey, Dalton, McGill, and Dedman) to Nil.
Sept. 04.- At Royal Park; v North Melbourne. Won - 2 Goals (Dedman and McGill) to 1.
Sept. 18 - At University Reserve; v Carlton Imperial. Won- 2 Goals (Nudd 2) to Nil.
Sept. 25.- At Melbourne; v Melbourne. Won - 1 Goal (Nudd) to Nil.
Oct. 02. - At Royal Park; v Maryborough. (15 to 20) Won 2 Goals (McGill and Dedman) to Nil.
Matches played, 17; Won 12; Lost 1; Drawn 4.
Goals won 36; Goals lost, 5.
Goal scorers; Dedman 13, McGill 7, Nudd 6, Newing 5, Lacey 2, Dalton 1, Blanshard 1, and Wallace 1.
Second Twenty.
May 22. - v Elwood at Elsternwick Park.
May 29. - v Carlton Rifles at Royal Park.
June 5. - v Melbourne Second. Lost - 2 Goals to 1.
June 12.- v West Melbourne. Lost - 2 Goals to Nil.
June 26.- v St.Kilda Second. Lost - 1 Goal to Nil.
July 3. - v Carlton Imperial Second. - Lost 3 Goals to 1.
July 10.- v East Melbourne Second. Won - 2 Goals to Nil.
July 24.- v Albert Park Second. Lost - 2 Goals to Nil.
July 31.- v North Melbourne Second. Lost -2 Goals to Nil.
Aug. 7. - v Melbourne Second. Won - 4 Goals to Nil.
Aug.14. - v West Melbourne. Lost 3 Goals to Nil.
Aug. 28.- v St.Kilda Second. Won - 4 Goals to Nil.
Sept. 4.- v Carlton Imperial Second. Retired in favour of C.I.S.
Sept.11.- v East Melbourne Second. Walkover.
Sept.18.- v Albert Park Second. Drawn. No goals kicked.
Oct. 2. - v North Melbourne Second. Retired in favour of N.M.S.
Matches played; 11: Won 3, Lost 7, Drawn 1.
Goals Won 11, Goals Lost 15.
Goal Kickers, Brookes 3, Muir, W.Williams, G.Kennedy, Vale, Deely, Walters, Lamond, and Amess 1 goal each.
March 13
Carlton Football Club members played a friendly game of cricket in Royal Park.
April 10
Carlton played a practice match at Royal Park at 3pm.
April 23 Friday
Carlton AGM held at the Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan Street Carlton.
The president Robert Robertson presided.
160 members attended.
The season's receipts totalled £75/17/9 ($ 151.78)
"The report submitted congratulated the members on the continued sucess and prosperity of the club, the successful manner in which the first twenty has held the premiership for the past two seasons, and characterised the past season as the most brilliant one the club has gone through since its formation." (Leader May 01 p11)
Patrons: G. S. Coppin, Esq; John Curtain, Esq; Councillor, J. Walls, and Dr. J. C. Duncan.
Election of office bearers;
President; Mr. Robert Robertson.
Vice presidents; Messrs E. Latham, J. Donovan, G. Kennedy.
Hon.sec and treasurer; Thomas P. Power.
Assistant sec/Second Twenty; David Jones.
Committee; H. Boyle, A. W. McHarg, W. Newing, O. T. L. "Lanty" O'Brien, S. Wallace, W. Lacey, T. Kennedy, J. Glennon, G. McGill.
Captain; J. H. Guy.
Vice captain; J. Gardiner.
Messrs; J. Blanchard, W. Monie, A. W. McHarg and S. Wallace were presented with illuminated addresses.
Messrs; Billy Lacey, Billy Dedman, and J. S. Dismore each received lockets.
Goal kicking Champion of the Colony. William Dedman 13 goals, Blanshard, Donovan, Goer, McGill 3 each, Monie, and Dalton 2 each, Wallace, Rix, Dismorr and Guy, 1 each.
33 goals kicked, 6 goals against.
Games played 17, Won 12, Lost 1, Drew 4.
Home Ground; Royal Park. (Near main entrance)
Second Twenty; Played 9, Won 5, Lost 1, Drew 3.
Goals 10 kicked, 3 against.
Goals; F. Power 6, T. P. Power 2, Duncan and McRae 1 each.
T. P. Power (hon sec and treasurer) "was presented with a handsome set of tea and coffee service for his zeal and energy on behalf of the club."
"A hearty vote of thanks to Mr. D. Jones for his successful attempts in promoting the interests of the second twenty was recorded." (Australasian May 01 p12)
Up until1875 there was no distinct rule regulating how a ball should count that struck on the goal-posts and rebounded back into play.
About that year I was standing goal umpire for the Scotch College against St. Patrick's, when a "Scotchy" banged the ball flat against one of the goal-posts, from which it rebounded straight back into his hands, when he immediately "dropped" it and whizzed fairly through.
On being appealed to I gave the ball as a "behind" when it struck the goal-post. But, as there was no rule to that effect, the matter was left to the Sporting Editor of the Australasian, who decided in my favour.
To prevent any further mistake about the matter a rule was then made, and added to the existing code, nominating a ball striking the goal-post as a 'behind," and this also existed until last year, when it, too, was struck out.
Since then and during this season I have seen the same thing occur, and on each occasion the umpire has treated it as a behind.
But why was the rule interfered with?
I maintain that, as a matter of equity and law, the fact of the rule to that effect being struck out abrogates it altogether; and that a player has every right to avail himself of the contingency should it arise and try to secure a goal.
All the Associations in the world could not alter the fact that it would be a fair goal as matters stand at present."
George F. Bowen aka OLYMPUS (Melbourne Punch June 11 1891 p7)
May 01
The Australasian;
"Football clubs desirous of competing for the Second twenty Challenge Cup, presented by the Carlton Football Club, must send delegates to the meeting to be held on Tuesday evening, 4th May at Nissen's Cafe, at 8 o'clock."
May 01
Carlton held a practice match in Royal Park, Married v Single
May 08
The following clubs were represented:-
Carlton, North Melbourne, Albert Park, Carlton Imperial, East Melbourne, St.Kilda, and Melbourne. Mr. D. Jones was appointed secretary. It was resolved that two representatives from each club competing should form the committee. The first meeting of the committee was appointed for Tuesday next at Cavanagh's Hotel. It is expected that other clubs than those represented will join."
(Advocate May 08 p15)
The meeting resolved that 2 points would be awarded for a win, and 1 point for draw. The team with the most points at the end of the season would be declared the winners of the cup. In the event of a tie the committee would arrange the final matches.
To read The Age report of the meeting, click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article202139047
May 08
The Carlton First Twenty played the Second Twenty-Five at 3pm at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (20)
Blanschard, Donovan, Dedman, Dalton, Dismorr, Guy (Capt.), Kendall, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, McGill, McGibbon, O'Brien, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, G. Robertson, Wallace, Williamson, W. Williams.
Second 25 team; (29)
Amess, Amess, Aram, Azzopardi, Brookes, Bennent, Boyle, Carr, Coulthard, Carroll, Downing, Hillsden, Hilton, Jones, T. Lacey, Lamond, Muir, Monie, Noall, Page, Prendergast, Richardson, Tuohey, F. Power, Turnbull, Vale, F. Williams, Gardiner and J. Robertson.
May 14 Friday
The Carlton Football Club held their annual concert and ball at the Horticultural Hall in Victoria Street opposite Trades' Hall.
There was a large attendance and dancing continued after the concert.
May 15
Goer is said to have returned to his old club the Carlton Imperial as they are now a senior club, and Monie has ventured to the country.
The paper says Robertson, a well known junior cricketer and Nudd from the Carlton Second Twenty will replace them.
May 15
They refused to play their second match against Melbourne last year and wrote a letter to Melbourne which was considered offensive. Melbourne asked for them to withdraw it which they refused.
Also, after last year's dispute both Carlton and North Melbourne refuse to play on each others grounds, unless a neutral ground can be found. Melbourne has barred North Melbourne from using the M.C.G.
The Australasian said;
"It is very unwise for a comparatively new club like the North Melbourne to have any cause of quarrel with such old-established clubs as the Melbourne and Carlton."
(Australasian p12)
Carlton did settle their differences with North and they played each other on June 26
May 22
Carlton played Hawthorn (25) at Royal Park.
Most matches postponed because of rain.
Carlton team; (22 named)
Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Goer, Guy (Capt.), A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Williamson, Nudd, McGibbon, McGill, Newing, Kendall, O'Brien, C. Pattison, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace, and Amess.
No details
Carlton Second Twenty played Elwood at Elsternwick
No details
May 22
The rules drawn up, under which the cup is to be played for, deal with this point, but not explicitly enough. One states that a list of second twenty men may forwarded to the secretary of the Cup Committee; another that second twenty men play as emergencies in the first twenty. So that it is only necessary to send in a long list of players, first twenty men or not, and the rule is practically of no avail. This seems to be the only weak point in the whole affair.
Two points are to be given to a club winning a match, and one point to each club in a drawn game, the club with the greatest number of points at the end of the season to win the cup. This is similar to the rule under which the last Junior Challenge Cup was played for."
(Trove: Australasian p12)
May 24 Monday Queens Birthday Holiday
Carlton were to play Maryborough at Maryborough, but the latter were unable to to field a team as most of their players were engaged in the Fire Brigade who had a demonstration in Sandhurst (Bendigo) that day.
The Australasian reported that Carlton had then arranged to meet Sandhurst on the Queens Birthday and this would be the first time the Blues had ventured to the city.
It is unknown if this match took place as the Australasian the following week made no mention of it, and in fact said that the Maryborough team played Ballarat in Ballarat.
Avoca Mail May 28
May 29
Carlton played Maryborough at the Princes Park ground, Maryborough.
The team met at Spencer Street Station at 3pm. Friday.
An admission charge of 6d was made to help in defraying the costs.
The match was planned to commence at 1.30pm.
Guy won the toss, and gave Maryborough the advantage of the wind.
It did them little good, as Carlton won easily.
Dedman was too elusive for his opponents. He scored the first goal after five minutes of play. Ten minutes later Nudd scored the second goal and then Newing the third.
Donovan played well for Carlton in his usual dashing style.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
Amess, Blanchard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Guy (Capt.)Kendall, A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, McGill, McGibbon, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, J. Robertson, C. Robertson, Wallace, Pattison.
Emergencies; Williams, Williamson.
Carlton won; 7-0
Goals; Dedman 5, W. Newing, Nudd.
Best; Donovan, Lacey, Guy, Gardiner, McGill, Blanshard, Amess, Nudd, Robertson.
Carlton Second Twenty fixtured to play Carlton Rifles in Royal Park
No details
June 05
Carlton played East Melbourne at Royal Park.
The mach did not commence until 4pm and finished at 5.30pm in the near dark.
The Blues won the toss and kicked with the breeze.
McGill scored his goal with a fine running drop kick.
The Australasian reported that crowd encroachment was again a problem;
"The people had this time had much encroached on the ground, with the usual pigheadedness displayed by any body of spectators. When an important match takes place on this ground the members should take care to have the ground properly kept, as the absence of a well-defined boundary line makes it very awkward both for players and spectators. If policeman cannot be obtained, why not let some the non-playing members in some sort of half uniform and specially devote themselves the purpose of keeping the crowd in its proper place?"
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner, Guy (Capt.) A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Kendall, Lacey, McGill, Macgibbon, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace and Williamson.
Carlton won; 2-0 (Half time 2-0)
Goals; Blanshard, McGill.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Amess, Aram, Bell, Brooke, Boyd, Carr, Dealey/Deeley, Downing, Hillsden (Vice Capt), Jones, Kennedy, Knowles, T. Lacey, Long, Lamond, Muir, O'Grady, Power, Richardson, Robertson, Tuohey (Capt), Williams, Williams, Walters, Vale.
Carlton lost; 1-2.
June 12
Carlton played Carlton Imperial at Royal Park.
The Blues on the day were the better team, but they missed some easy scoring opportunities due to the poor state of the ground.
After half time the Blues with the exception of four men had every one on the forward line. The Imps then rushed the ball forward overwhelming the four defenders and scored the equaliser.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Guy (Capt.), Kendall, T. Kennedy, A. Kennedy, Lacey, McGill, Macgibbon, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, J. Robertson, G. Robertson, Wallace, and Williamson.
Match drawn; 1-1 (Half time Carlton 1-0)
Goal; McGill
Players mentioned; Wallace, McGill, Newing, Donovan, Robertson, Lacey, Blanshard.
Turnbull, Coulthard, and Henry, future Carlton players, all played well for Carlton Imperial.
Carlton Reserves played West Melbourne at Royal Park
The Blues had the better of the game in the first half, however West Melbourne scored two quick goals.
Carlton team; (29 named)
Amess, Aram, Brooks, Bell, Blanschard, Boyd, Carr, Dealey, Downing, Hillsden, Jones, Kennedy, Knowles, Lacey, Lamond, Muir, Monie, Nathan, O'Grady, Opie, Power, Power, Radcliffe, Robertson, Richardson, Toohey (Capt), Vale, Walters, Williams.
Carlton lost; 0-2.
June 12
This is a colourised version of the image which appeared in the Australasian Sketcher.
The ground is the Metropolitan or the "Gravel Patch," which was on the northern side adjacent to the MCG.
Wellington Parade is clearly shown.
Ron Barassi Collection/Leonard Joel
June 19
"Sir, To-morrow (Saturday) ought to witness a grand encounter between the above teams, provided always (as lawyers say) that the crowd are made to behave fairly.
When the Carlton team comes to Melbourne they always have a clear ground, and have to play on their merits.
When a match takes place at Carlton however, and the local team are at all hard pressed, their "crowd" comes to their assistance by rushing the ground, &c, which was illustrated in two matches last year, when the visiting team were treated disgracefully.
I do not mean to cast any slur on the Carlton team, as I am sure they are honest players, and powerless to stop such unfairness on the part of the spectators. I simply write this to suggest to the police authorities that the presence of say a dozen troopers this afternoon will be a great boon to both players and unbiased spectators. I am, &c."
June 18 ...............NEUTRAL
Trove; Australasian June 19 (p12)
June 19
Carlton played Melbourne at Royal Park.
The only talk in town this week was which team would win, Carlton or Melbourne?
"The various approaches to the park from the city were literally black with people journeying towards the convincing ground, while Elizabeth-street, from the Post Office to the park gates, was densely thronged with with well-laden vehicles of every description."
Crowd; 8,000-10,000.
The Herald said "Guy will lead his men, in this his first grand match as captain."
It had rained every day during the week, however, the day was fine, but the ground was wet and slippery. The match was to commence at 2.30pm but got underway at 3pm.
Melbourne won the toss and kicked to the eastern end favoured by a slight breeze.
Harry Guy kicked off, "Forward, Carlton!"
Spectators encroached onto the ground after half time reducing the flagged and roped playing area from 200 yards by 150 yards to a width of 50-60 yards.
Melbourne had many chances to score in the second half, but the Blues hung on for a win.
Nudd scored the only goal getting his foot to the ball while it was "on the hop" after 30 minutes of play.
Umpire; J. Conway
Goal Umpires; Carlton, J. Henderson; Melbourne, Searcy
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Donovan, Gardiner, Guy (Capt) , Kendall, Kennedy, Kennedy, Lacey, Monie, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Robertson, Robertson, Wallace.
Carlton won; 1-0 (Half time 1-0)
Goal; Nudd. (The Age credited the goal to Dedman)
Players mentioned; (13) McGill, Nudd, Newing, Guy, MacGibbon, Monie, Dedman, Lacey, Gardiner, Wallace, Blanshard, Williams, Lanty O'Brien
Carlton Second Twenty did not play.
The weather overhead on Saturday was all that could be desired, and from an early hour in the afternoon the long unbroken line of foot-passengers in Elizabeth street, leading northwards, betokened a large attendance in Royal Park; but on arriving at trysting spot at about 3 o'clock it was evident at half a glance that, as regards the number of spectators, the reality far exceeded that most sanguine anticipations. At one time there must have been between 8,000 and 10,000 persons present, but although it was always a healthy sign of popularity of the sport to see a large gathering at any of our out-door amusements, 10,000 people assembled in Royal Park for the purposes of witnessing a football match, is far too much of a good thing. No matter how energetic the police maybe in their endeavours to keep the spectators from encroaching on the playing ground, their efforts are comparatively futile, and Saturday was no exception to the rule. As the game became exciting, the public gradually encroached on the players, and after the first hour's play it was simply impossible to watch the progress of the game. Some of the non playing members of the Carlton club ably assisted the few police present, in keeping the spectators outside the ropes, but they could do very little towards such a desirable consummation, and after "half time," all that could be seen of the game by those in the rear rank, was the surging to and fro of the spectators, as the "bladder" was driven from one part of the ground to another. Owing to the previous wet weather, the ground in places was very bad, it being impossible, from the greasy, slippery consistency of the surface mud, to secure a firm foothold. As a consequence, falls were more numerous than kicks, and the amusement of the spectators was well attended throughout the afternoon. The efforts of many leading players on both sides were to an extent nullified owing to this cause, it being a frequent incident of the fray that a herculean kickite would make a vigorous rush at the ball, and find himself in a recumbent position without having effected his purpose, owing his downfall only to the treacherous nature of the soil. However, the ground was not all so bad, and on the firmer portions there raged the fiercest fight; but taking it on the whole, the ground was all against the players, who had very little opportunity afforded them of displaying their kicking abilities.
Long before 3 o'clock the players were all assembled, and it was then seen that both clubs were as strongly represented as could have been desired, the most noticeable absentees being Donovan, of Carlton and Forrester, of Melbourne. The proceedings commenced in the usual manner by the rival skippers, Goldsmith and Guy, tossing for choice of ends, and Dame Fortune smiling on the former, he very sensibly decided from kicking from the west end, and the light wind blowing at the time being all in their favour. As soon as the kickoff took place, it was evident that the metropolitan team was in great heart, and playing with unexpected determination, quickly ran the ball down to the Carlton goal posts, where Williams nearly secured a goal. After an animated struggle, in which Carlton had to "play up," the ball was gradually bought to the centre of the ground, from whence a fine rally bought it down to the Melbourne end. Here the battle became fast and furious, but Nudd cleverly taking the ball out of a scrimmage, managed to kick first goal for Carlton. It was almost needless to say that this result was received with great enthusiasm by the adherts of the Carlton team, who were by no means backward in asserting that the match was a certainty for them.
The Melbourne team, however, played together in fine style and when "half time" arrived, no more goals had been kicked by either side, although the Melbourne team appeared to have somewhat the best of it. At this stage of the game the spectators were spread almost all over the ground, so that very little could be seen of the remainder of the game. Melbourne showed well, but could not secure a goal, and when the game terminated at five o'clock, the Carlton team were declared the victors by one goal. It would be unfair to the players to attempt to criticise the game, the ground being all against good players, but it is evident that the Melbourne team will have a fine chance of beating the Carlton team when they next meet on the metropolitan ground."
(Weekly Times June 26 p5)
June 26
Carlton played North Melbourne at Royal Park.
It started out as a beautiful day for football, however dark clouds appeared near the start of play but they blew over.
Crowd; 5,000 Another report said it was well patronised by both sexes.
Guy won the toss and kicked with the breeze towards the University end.
At half time players from both teams indulged in oranges, water, and brandy to "enabling them to undergo without fatigue another hour's hard fighting."
Crowd encroachment was again a problem.
A hard fought, well contested match that ended in a draw.
The Blues played with 17 men.
Umpire; Harry F. Boyle
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Donovan, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Guy (Capt.), A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace, and Williamson.
Match drawn; 0-0
Players mentioned; (12) Pattison, Guy, Lacey, Gardiner, Wallace, Nudd, McGill, Newing, Monie, Bannister, Macgibbon, Blanshard.
Carlton Reserves played St.Kilda Reserves.
The St.Kilda team met at the Melbourne and Hobsons Bay Railway Station (Flinders Street) at 2.15pm, so the match was probably in Royal Park.
The two teams are playing for the Challenge Cup.
Carlton team; (30 named)
R. Amess, Aram, Bannister, Bell, Brooks, Carr, Downing, Dealey, Hillsden, Jones, Kennedy, Knowles, Lamond, Muir, Nathan, O'Grady, Power, Power, Richardson, Robertson, Radcliffe, Tuohey (Capt), Williams, Williams, Vale, Walters, Duckett, Long, T. Lacey, Bennett.
Carlton lost; 0-1.
June 26
The Australasian reports that St.Kilda and University are having trouble fielding teams and the two clubs have met to combine forces. The name of the new club as yet has not been decided on.
July 03
The Age:
"The Carlton Club is disengaged for the 10th July, and will be glad to arrange a match with any other club similarly fixed."
July 03
In Royal Park Carlton were due to play a Police Team (25) captained by Jack Conway this day, but the match was cancelled as the Police were unable to field a team.
Hawthorn were due to Clifton but both sides combined to play Carlton.
Carlton (19) played Hawthorn and Clifton combined (23) at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dismorr, Donovan, Dedman, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Guy (Capt.), A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, MacGibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, Pattison, J. Robertson, Wallace, Williamson.
Carlton won; 6 - 0
Goals; Dedman 4, Newing, Nudd.
Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played Carlton Imperial in Royal Park.
Carlton lost; 1-3.
July 08 Thursday
At a special meeting of the Melbourne Football Club former Blue Charles Forrester was elected captain on the resignation of Goldsmith.
July 10
Carlton played North Melbourne in Royal Park.
The only mention is in The Age, July 10;
"Carlton and North Melbourne having both been disappointed in their matches for this afternoon in consequence of the numerous amalgamations that are taking place among clubs, they will meet each other in the Royal Park for a match."
The Australasian July 17;
"The match arranged for Saturday last, between the Carlton and North Melbourne clubs, did not come off, the latter team not turning up. The North Melbourne secretary, when arranging the match, stated that he, perhaps, would not be able to get a team together, so no blame attaches to the club."
No details.
Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played East Melbourne Reserves in Royal Park.
Carlton team; (28 named)
R. Amess, Aram, Archer, Bell, Brooks, Bennett, Carr, A. Cooper, Deeley, Donning, Hillsden, Kennedy, Knowle, Lamond, Long, Muir (Capt.), Monie, Nathan, Opie, Power, Prendergast, Radcliffe, Richardson, Robertson, Robin, Toohey, Williams, Vale.
Carlton won; 2-0.
July 10
The Australasian reports on the amalgamation of St. Kilda and University. The University club is not happy with the situation and believes a combine will not strengthen their team.
July 17
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne ground.
Crowd; "No less than 11,000" (Australasian), a new wire fence did not prevent the crowd from enroaching on the players. It was deliberately cut.
Former Blue Charles Forrester won the toss and Melbourne kicked towards the Richmond end.
"Forward Carlton" was the cry as McGill kicked off after Melbourne had scored their first goal.
Melbourne defeated the Blues for the first time in two years.
The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil, August 7, said;
"The two crack football clubs, Melbourne and Carlton, met for a second time on the 17th. July, in the presence of at least 10,000 spectators. The excitement and party feeling were intense, and the play was most spirited. Melbourne eventually had the best of the game, getting two goals to Carlton's none.
The popularity that the game of football has acquired in the colony is something wonderful."
The home side scored the first goal after only 5 minutes of play after Kennedy's "shocking bad judgment by kicking the ball right into his hands instead of towards the wings" was marked by a Melbourne player only 15 yards out from goal. Melbourne scored again within 10 minutes of the last goal.
Just before half time Nudd had a chance, and the usually reliable goal sneak from only 6 yards out missed! Much to the disgust of the Carlton supporters.
This was the first time in two seasons that Melbourne has defeated Carlton.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Donovan, Gardiner, Guy, Kendall, Kennedy, Kennedy, Lacey, Monie, MacGibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Robertson, Robertson, Wallace.
Umpire; A. Greenwood. (St.Kilda's captain)
Carlton lost; 0-2 (Half time 0-2)
Players mentioned; (14) McGill, Nudd, Lacey, Gardiner, Guy, Marshall, Wallace, O'Brien, Tom Kennedy, Dismorr, Monie, Blanshard, Dedman, MacGibbon.
July 22 Thursday
Forrester acted as chief murderer for Melbourne, and Guy superintended the maiming operations for the Carlton slaughterers. Melbourne having won the toss, the ball was kicked off by Carlton, speedily returned by Melbourne, bobbed about, until it came to Nicholas, who applied his right toe, in the right place, at the right time, and his side scored a goal. The Carlton men showed their colors in their faces, and look "blue." The ball goes away again, but it is soon sent back, and a festive cuss called Carr seems determined to make his "mark," and makes it. From this mark this agile homicide secures a second goal for Melbourne.
And now the fight waxes hot. Some kick the ball, others kick their opponents' shins while a few game 'uns try to kick themselves on the back of the head. But they fail, and in revenge kick the first head they see. Marshall retires gracefully with a sprained ankle. Wallace lays about him manfully, for he knows that a jury will only find a verdict of manslaughter - Forrester with similar feelings, works on a similar principle - the "Luffs" heave too.
Ever and annon a wild Irish yell startles the Richmond 'bus horses and O'Brien is seen like a maniac dealing death and destruction around. Longden plays brilliantly, kicking backwards, forwards, and round the corner. Carlton tries it's darndest - Nudd batters at the goal - Dismorr, Gardiner, and Monie run with the ball as if a policeman followed them - Lacey plays in full blooded stlye, as if he knew what boils meant - Kennedy tries to kill everybody and nearly succeeds in killing himself, and long McGill is everywhere.
But, all in vain - the game is over, and after seven successive victories, Carlton is defeated at last!
The Melbourne played splendidly for the game, and not as usual for individual display. If the Carlton players will take a word of advice, they will run less and kick more. If they do this they will retrieve their laurels.
Your reporter picked up a set of teeth, and a broken pair of spectacles, which he encloses herewith. The owner of the teeth can have them by applying to this office, and if Mr. Bennie will let us know his address, we shall be most happy to forward him his "goggles" per post, right side up with care."
July 24
Carlton played Albert Park at Royal Park.
Crowd; 5,000
Play began at 3.15pm after the Bracken and Guy tossed the coin. Bracken won and the visitors kicked with the aid of the breeze.
Carlton's McGill kicked off to start the match.
There were two Brackens playing for Albert Park, W. 'Billy' Bracken & Loch J. Bracken both would join the Blues next season 1876.
The Parkites were disadvantaged by having only 18 men and the Blues had the full complement of 20.
Gardiner, Guy, and McGibbon replused many attacks running the ball down the ground.
"During one of these brilliant charges Newing obtained the ball in front of the A. P. goal and with a well judged and neat kick sent the ball flying between the posts, first goal for Carlton."
Albert Park equalised with a magnificent 55 yard kick for goal, just before end of the first half.
After the ball had been thrown up in centre after half time, crowd encroachment of the playing arena became a problem and every time the ball hit a spectator it was declared out of bounds. The overworked umpire, not too worried about carying it all the way back to the boundary line, threw the ball back into nearly the centre of the ground, which was much to the Blues advantage having extra players.
Also Bracken had to stop play a few times and push back the spectators so as to give his players extra room. It was described in the (Record Emerald Hill) as "it was like playing in a lane."
"... spectators, who, as usual, encroached onto the ground, to the great detriment of the players - in fact, during the last half of the game they formed a circle around the Carlton goal not allowing the Albert-park men anything like a fair show." (Trove: Australasian July 31 p11)
McGill just failed to score a goal in the second half with the ball just going over the post. The Blues had the better of the game, but it may have been a different result if Albert Park had had a full side.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Amess, Boulter, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Goodall, Guy (Capt.), A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, Pattison, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace.
Emergency; Williamson/Wallis (Australasian)
Match drawn; 1-1 (Half time 1-1)
Goal; Newing/The 1875 edition of The Footballer says Dedman.
Players mentioned; (8) Dedman, Amess (half-back), Guy, Lacey, Newing, McGill, Gardiner, McGibbon.
Carlton Reserves played Albert Park Reserves on the Albert Park ground.
The Blues won the toss and kick with a strong wind. Despite having the wind the Blues were unable to score a goal in the first half.
Albert Park soon after the second half started scored the first of their two goals.
Carlton lost; 0-2. (Half time 0-0)
Best; Emmett, Amess, Toohey, Knowles.
July 24
"Letters have been received by the secretaries of the Carlton and Melbourne clubs from the agent of Mr. W. S. Cox, suggesting that a match be arranged between these clubs, to be played on the Kensington-park racecourse, for which an admission should be charged, Mr. W. S. Cox to received half the net proceeds.
I hear, however, that the proposal is not viewed favourably by either club; it will, therefore, I presume, come to nothing. It has also been mooted to play the match arranged between these clubs for the 21st prox., on the University ground, charging 6d. admission, for the benefit of Jackson, the cricketer who lately lost his sight at Sandhurst. The latter is by far the better suggestion of the two."
(Trove: Australasian p12)
July 27 Tuesday
"A meeting of the members of the Carlton Football Club takes place this evening, at the Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan-street, to appoint a treasurer and committee to look after the interests of the second twenty." (Age p3)
July 31
Carlton played St.Kilda and University Combined, at Royal Park.
Crowd; 2,000 plus.
"The Carltonians had no difficulty whatever in defeating the combined team, securing no less than four goals to their opponents' nil."
Carlton team; (21 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Goodall, Guy, A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, MacGibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Southey, Wallace, and Williamson.
Carlton won; 4-0.
Goals; Newing 2, Lacey, McGill.
Carlton Reserves played North Melbourne at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Bail/Bell?, Boyd, Brookes, Carr, Cooper, Deely, Hurst, Kennedy, Knowles, Lamond, Long, Muir, Monie, Power, Robin, Tuohey/Toohey, Vale, Williams, Williams,
Carlton lost 1-2
Best; Kennedy, Toohey, Muir.
August 07
Carlton played East Melbourne at the Melbourne ground.
Crowd; 2,000
Harry Guy won the toss and chose the Richmond end to kick to.
An exciting match with the East Melbournites playing one man short.
The umpire awarded Carlton a free kick late in the game, from which Wallace scored the only goal.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Goodall, Guy, A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Southey, Wallace, Williamson.
Emergencies; Williams, Pattison
Umpire; McClure
Carlton won; 1 - 0
Goal; S. Wallace.
Best/mentioned; (9) Lacey, Gardiner, Guy, McGill, Dismorr, Dedman, S. Wallace, Williams, Newing.
Carlton Reserves played Melbourne Reserves at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Bell, Brookes, Boyd, Cooper, Carr, Deeley, Jones, Knowles, Kennedy, Lamond, Long, Muir (Capt), Monie, Mountain, Power, Robertson, Richardson, Robin, Touhey, Vale, Williams.
Carlton won; 4-0.
Carlton Third Twenty played North Melbourne in Royal Park.
The Age August 07 (p5)
No details.
There is another mention of a Carlton thirds team on June 14 1879
August 14
Carlton played Carlton Imperial at Royal Park.
Crowd; a "considerable number of spectators."
A gale blew across the ground making good football impossible. The Blues missed chance after chance to goal in the second half.
Dedman's goal after half time was disallowed by the goal umpire.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Boulter, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Goodall, Guy (Capt.), A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace, Williamson.
Match drawn; 0-0.
Players mentioned; (7) McGill (better player for his brilliant marking and kicking), Lacey (better player "untiring exertions after the ball"), Dedman, Newing, Guy, Gardiner, Wallace
Carlton Reserves played West Melbourne (Firsts) at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Bell, Boyd, Brooks, Cooper, Dealey, Kennedy, Knowles (Vice capt), Lamond, Long, Monie, Mountain, Muir (Capt), Nathan, Power, Prendergast, Robin, Toohey, Vale, Williams
Carlton lost; 1 - 3.
Trove, SLV; Age August 20 p4
Carlton played Melbourne on the University ground.
Carlton players gathered at Osgood's Clyde Hotel at 2pm.
Crowd; between 5,000-7,000.
This match was played at fenced ground where an admission of 6d (5c) could be charged. The Australasian said as only £105 was taken, many people had "jumped the fence."
The Bendigo Advertiser; "A novel principle is to introduced in connection with this contest - no less than a charge for admission, the proceeds of which are to be give to Mr. E. Jackson...."
This was a charity match and all money raised was donated to a fund for a well known Sandhurst (Bendigo) miner and cricketer Mr. Edward J. Jackson who was badly injured in an explosion. Jackson was a friend of Mr. H. F. Boyle captain of the East Melbourne Cricket Club. Boyle suggested that Carlton and Melbourne could be willing to allow a charge for admission to raise some money. £97 ($194) was raised for Mr. Jackson. (Jackson died in 1893)
H. F. Boyle, " I take this opportunity of thanking the gentlemen of the Melbourne and Carlton football clubs for so promptly responding to my application to play the above match, also to Professor Strong for the free use of the ground." (Bendigo Advertiser Aug. 26)
Melbourne kicked to the eastern end with the aid of a slight wind attacked most of the first half, but to no avail.
In the second half the wind freshened, and the Blues took full advantage.
Carlton attacked and scored, through a brilliant mark to McGill who kicked a fine 30 yard goal. Ten minutes later Dedman emerging from a scrimmage, scored another from close in.
No further goals were scored. The Blues had played with "far more dash and vigour than their opponents."
"Baffled and beaten, the Melbourne still bore bravely on, and if the ball got down the field there be sure Loughnan was not wanting. he fought grandly for his side at this stage of the game, as indeed all his men; but their valiant efforts were powerless to prevent Nudd, for Carlton, from getting the ball and sending it in such dangerous proximity to the posts, that loud shouts proclaimed a goal for Carlton. The umpire, however, adjudged "no goal, " and play was fiercer than ever. Admist a fierce rally, McGill sprang into mid air and caught a beautiful mark; and during the suspense that watched his kick, this magnificent player sent the ball fairly between the posts, an unquestioned goal. Thousands of throats proclaimed that Carlton had won." (Herald August 23 p3)
Carlton team; (20 named)
Blanschard, Dalton, Dismorr, Dedman, Gardiner, Guy (Capt), Lacey, Monie, Macgibbon, McGill, Kendall, A. Kennedy, Nudd, Newing, O'Brien, J. Robertson, G. Robertson, Wallace, Williams, Williamson.
Umpire; Henry Budd
Goal Umpires; Carlton, Henderson; Melbourne, Searcy
Carlton won; 2 - 0 (Half time 0 - 0)
Goals; McGill, Dedman.
Players mentioned; (14) McGill, Dedman, Lacey, Gardiner, Goer, Guy, Newing, Monie, Kendall, Wallace, Dalton, Robertson, Nudd, Macgibbon
The games are even - Carlton the one, Melbourne the other, and this the deciding. So I go to the University ground bent my steps, where thousands of spectators all eager to witness the game stood round the players, each conversing with his friends, each hopeful.
Melbourne the favorites, and certainly a better team than theirs could not have been brought together. The "bull-dogs" as they are facetiously termed, looked in spite of all things, inspite of their not defeating clubs that the Melbourne had thrashed hollow, still, inspite of all this, Carlton had determination all written on their faces. "Do or die" was their motto."
August 21
"A meeting of the Carlton Second Twenty Cup committee takes place this evening, at Nissen's Cafe, at eight p.m., when all matters under protest will be decided."
August 28
Carlton played Geelong at Royal Park.
Crowd; 3,000
Carlton won the toss and kicked towards the eastern goal.
Hall of Geelong kicked off, but Lacey almost immediately got the ball in the centre. He dodged, and weaved his way past the Geelong defenders, he then put the ball through the goal for the Blues first. Towards the end of the first half Dalton marked forty yards out, "and by a magnificent kick scored number two for the Metropolitans." Lacey was the Blues best player.
"For Carlton, Lacey assumed the premier position, he appeared to be ubiquitous, although he showed himself too partial to the reprehensible practice of hugging." (Geelong Advertiser Aug 30 p3)
The Blues entertained the Geelong side after the game at the Carlton Club Hotel, and they caught the last train back to the Pivot.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Guy, Goodall, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kendall, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Robertson, Robertson, Wallace, Williams, Williamson.
Carlton won; 4.19 - 0.17 (Half time 2-0)
Goals; Lacey, Dalton, McGill, Dedman.
Other players mentioned. Guy, Gardiner, Newing, Nudd
Carlton Reserves played St.Kilda in Royal Park.
St.Kilda could only muster 15 men.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Absolom, Bell, Brooks, A. Cooper, Dealey/Deeley, Jones, Kennedy, Knowles (Vice Capt.), Lamond, Long, Muir (Capt.), Monie, Nathan, Power, Power, Robin, Toohey, Vale, Walters, Williams.
Carlton Reserves won 2-1.
September 04
Carlton played North Melbourne at Royal Park.
A large crowd of 5,000 attended and surrounded the poorly marked playing area.
Play got underway at 3.30pm.
Carlton kicked to the western goal, up a slight slope.
North scored the only goal in the first half which resulted from,
"T. Kennedy, the Carlton the goal-keeper, foolishly leaving his post, and allowing the ball to bounce over his head."
The Northerners captain Furphop, who had recieved a knock earlier, became so excited that he fell down in a fit and had to be removed from the ground.
Ends were changed, and the Blues scored their first goal at 5pm by Dedman.
McGill scored the second shorty before full time.
The Blues were upset at North's rough house tactics.
A third goal kicked by Dedman was disallowed as it hit some spectators standing in the goal area between the goal posts, where they should not have been.
A letter to The Australasian the following week raised this incident. The opinion of "Free Kick" was that the goal should have been allowed, and this was not the first time that this had happened this season, and that the clubs should have this rule clarified before next season commences.
Umpire; Healey
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Blanchard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Guy, Goer, Kendall, A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace and Williamson.
Emergencies; Amess, Williams.
Carlton won; 2-1
Goals; Dedman, McGill.
Players mentioned; (10) Robertson, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Gardiner, McGill, Guy, Newing, Macgibbon, Dedman, Kendall.
Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played Carlton Imperial Reserves at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Amess, Absolam, Boyd, Bell, Brookes, Carr, Cooper, Deeley, Jones, Kennedy, Knowles (Vice Capt), Long, Muir (Capt), Monie, Marshall, Nathan, J. Newing, Robin, Power, Toohey, Vale, F. Williams, Watters/Walters?
Retired in favor of Carlton Imperial Seconds.
September 11
Carlton were to play Albert Park, the latter were unable to field a team.
No team details.
Carlton Reserves played East Melbourne Reserves at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Amess, Absolom, Bell, Boyd, Bannister, Brookes, A. Cooper, Carr, Deeley, Knowles (Vice Capt.), Kennedy, Long, Muir (Capt.), Monie, Newing, Nathan, Power, Robin, Robinson, Toohey, Vale, Walters, Williams.
Carlton lost in a walk-over.
September 18
Carlton played Carlton Imperial at the University paddock.
The Blues were two players short for the entire match.
A large crowd attended, and the start was delayed with waiting for players to turn up.
Carlton won the toss and kicked with the wind to the western end, however it turned into a cross wind and was of little advantage.
The Carlton Imps team included Coulthard, Barrass, Ford, Fullarton, Henry, Rickards and Waldron, all former and future Carlton names.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismoor, Donovan, Gardiner, Guy, Kendall, A. Kennedy, Lacey, MacGibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace, and Williamson.
Emergency; Williams
Carlton won; 2-0 (Half time 2 - 0)
Goals; Nudd 2.
Players mentioned; Nudd, Gardiner, Guy, Lacey, McGill, Newing.
Carlton Reserves played Albert Park Reserves at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Amess, Aram, Bell, Boyd, Bannister, Brooks, Carr, Cooper, Duncan, Dealey, Glennon, Kennedy, Knowles, Long, Lamond, Mure/Muir (Capt), Monie, Nathan, Power, Babin./Robin, Toohey, Eales/Vale?, Walters, Williams.
Match drawn; 0-0.
September 25
Carlton played Melbourne on the Melbourne ground.
Crowd; 8,000 - 10,000 Many women attended.
Guy (Captain) won the toss and Melbourne kicked off towards the Richmond end.
A closely contested game in the first half in which Melbourne had the slight advantage.
The central umpire threw the ball in the air to start the second half, and Melbourne attacked, but the Blues worked the ball to their end and the Reds appeared to tire. For the remaining 45 minutes of the match the ball was in Carlton's forward line, twice the ball hit the post. Nudd marked, and kicked the only goal minutes before the end of the game.
The Australasian said;
"The Carlton thus won the most exciting match ever played in the colony, having succeeded in obtaining the only goal kicked during the day. The play throughout was the most brilliant description - The Melbourne team, weakened by the loss of some of it's ablest men, never played in better form.
The Carlton men, as usual, played beautifully together, some of the short marks to each other eliciting loud applause from the spectators."
Umpire; McArthur
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Donovan, Gardiner, Goer, Guy, Kendall, A. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Monie, Newing, Nudd, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace, and Williamson.
Emergencies; Williams, Amess.
Carlton won; 1 - 0 (Half time 0.1 - 0.1)
Goal; Nudd.
Players mentioned; (20) Guy, Lacey, Newing, Gardiner, Monie, Donovan, Nudd, McGill, Dismorr, Dalton, Macgibbon, Goer, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Kendall, Blanshard, Wallace, Dedman, Kennedy, Williamson.
October 02
Carlton (15) played Maryborough (20) at Royal Park.
A good crowd attended despite the little interest in this match.
The wind was blowing across the ground and the ball was out of bounds a lot of the time marring the game as a spectacle.
The visitors played well, but lacked the cool judgment of the Carlton players.
Carlton team; (16 named)
Blanschard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner, Guy, Kendall, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Robertson, Wallace, Williamson.
Carlton won; 2-0
Goals; Dedman, McGill. (The Australasian said Dedman and Nudd)
No other players mentioned.
Carlton Reserves were to play North Melbourne Reserves at Royal Park.
Retired in favor of North Melbourne.
October 18 Monday
Members and friends of the Carlton Football Club held a concert and plain dress ball at the Orderly Room Grattan Street at 8pm
This season the Blues lost their first match in 3 years. (July 17 vs Melbourne)
Played 17; Won 12, Lost 1, Drawn 4. Goals For 36, Against 5
Goals; Dedman 13, McGill 7, Nudd 6, Newing 5, Lacey 2, Dalton, Blanshard, Wallace.
Best; Guy, Lacey, Newing, McGill, Wallace, Kendall, Nudd, Williamson, J. Robertson, Gardiner, Macgibbon, A. Kennedy, G. Robertson, Blanchard, Dalton, A. Amess, Dedman.
Carlton Reserves/Seconds/Second Twenty.
Finished fourth, equal with St.Kilda.
Carlton Imperial won the 1875 premiership, second Albert Park, North Melbourne, St. Kilda and Carlton, Melbourne, East Melbourne.
Carlton Second Twenty
Played 11; Won 3, Lost 7, Drawn 1. Goals For 11. Against 15.
Goals; Brookes 3, Muir, W. Williams, G. Kennedy, Vale, Deeley, Walters, Lamond, Amess.
Best; G. Kennedy (the renown of old, acting as coach), R. Amess, F. Power, Knowles, Toohey, Vale, and F. Williams.
October 16
The Age;
This seems at odds with the above information that the Carlton Second Twenty finished fourth. Perhaps the Challenge Cup was a separate competition.
October 28 Thursday
(Bendigo Advertiser p2)
An article published in the Mercury newspaper in Hobart on July 6 1876, mentions "The Footballer" journal, and of the 1875 season;
"In it is given a list of ninety-two clubs in Melbourne and country districts, with terms of subscription and various secretaries' names and addresses; and it may be mentioned, en passant, that all these clubs have their distinctive uniforms and regular Saturday "fixtures."
There are many other principally local, not particularised in the publication, bringing up the number to 138 clubs, and averaging a total of 4,000 playing members.
So strong a hold has football taken upon the public of Melbourne, that on special occasions, such as the Melbourne vs Carlton matches, nearly 10,000 persons have assembled to witness the contest, each well placed kick being greeted with ringing cheers and cries of "Forward, Melbourne!" or "Go it, Carlton!"
The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages, 32, 33,34,35,259.
Mullin's Footballer Australian Almanac for 1951. Page 66.
The History of the Carlton Football Club. B. Hansen. Pages 29.30.
The Footballer 1875.
Football-The Australian Game.
The Argus 1875 editions.
The Australasian 1875 editions.
The Mercury 1876.
The Age, 1875 editions.
Melbourne Punch.
The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil, 1875 editions.
The Footballer, 1875 edition.
The Advocate, 1875 editions.

Carlton Captain. J.H.Guy.
Vice Captain. J. Gardiner.
President: R. Robertson.
Vice Presidents: E. Latham, John Donovan, George Kennedy.
Secretary: T. Power.
Second Twenty Sec: David Jones.
Members: 200.
Finances. Receipts for 1874 totaled 75 pounds 17 shillings and 9 pence. ($151.78)
Honours. Champion of the Colony. George Robertson.
Goal kicking Champion of the Colony. William Dedman 13 goals,
Home Ground; Royal Park. (Near main entrance)
Table to be completed- A/Asian October 09 p12
Opponent | Date Played | Won | Lost | Drawn | Goals For | Goals Against | Venue | |
Maryborough | May 29 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | Maryborough | |
East Melbourne | June 05 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | Carlton | |
Carlton Imperial | June 12 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | - | ||
Melbourne | June 19 | - | - | - | - | |||
North Melbourne | June 26 | - | - | |||||
Clifton & Hawthorn 23 | July 03 | - | - | - | - | - | ||
Melbourne | July 17 | - | - | - | ||||
Albert Park | July 24 | - | - | - | - | |||
St.Kilda | July 31 | |||||||
East Melbourne | August 07 | - | ||||||
Carlton Imperial | August 14 | 8 | 2 | |||||
Melbourne | August 21 | 2 | 2- | 0 | 0- | - | ||
Geelong | August 28 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 0 | - | ||
North Melbourne | September 04 | - | - | - | - | |||
Carlton Imperial | September 18 | - | - | - | - | - | Carlton Imperial | |
Melbourne | September 25 | - | - | - | - | - | Melbourne | |
Maryborough | October 02 | - | - | - | - | - | Carlton | |
Total | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Football's popularity was increasing.
By 1875 there were 96 clubs in Melbourne with a membership of 4037 and a playing list of 2800.
In country Victoria 42 clubs existed with 1520 members, nearly all who were players.
Grey socks were replaced with one's of blue with white hoops.
Similar to Geelong's, although Geelong would copy Carlton and first wear them next season in 1876.
Carlton offered a Cup for a Second 18 competition, 8 clubs competed. Carlton, Melbourne, Carlton Imperial, Albert Park, East Melbourne, North Melbourne, St.Kilda, and West Melbourne.
Carlton Imperials winning the Cup.
The Argus Saturday 8th named these players taking part in a scratch match between a Carlton First Twenty and a Carlton 25 at Royal Park at 3pm.
First Twenty;
Blanchard, Donovan, Dedman, Dalton, Dismorr, Guy (Capt), Kendall, the three Kennedys, McGill, MacGibbon, O'Brien, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, G.Robertson, Wallace, Williamson, and W. Williams.
Carlton 25;
The two Amess, Aram, Azzopardi, Brookes, Bennett, Boyle, Carr, Coulthard, Carroll, Downing , Hillsden, Hilton, Jones, T. Lacey, Lamond, Muir, Monie, Noall, Page, Prendergast, Richardson, Tuohey or Toohey, F. Power, Turnbull, Vale, and F. Williams.
St.Kilda merged with University in June for the remainder of the season.
Season opened with a match in Maryborough, the club's first visit there, and others against East Melbourne and Carlton Imperials.
10,000 turned out to see Carlton play Melbourne.
As one writer said
"Nothing else is worth seeing in comparison"
Carlton predicted crowd encroachment problems and asked for adequate police assistance.
Two policeman were sent to do the job.
The third Melbourne game was played on the University ground, which had been loaned for the occasion. Carlton won 2-0.
Admission to this match was 6 pence (5 cents)
6000 attended and 105 pounds ($210) was taken at the gates.
People objected to paying and many jumped the fence.
The money raised was donated to a Sandhurst (Bendigo) cricketer who was badly injured in an explosion.
Carlton defeated it's old rival Melbourne 3 out 4 times.
"The Footballer" was published first in 1875.
This was edited by Carlton Secretary T.Power.
In it was a table that showed that Carlton and Melbourne had met 36 times from 1866 - 1875.
Carlton had won 13 times,
Melbourne 8, and 15 drawn.
In those games Carlton had scored 24 goals to Melbourne's 17.
Discussing the 11 years of organised Australian Football, T. Power wrote:
"The annals of Carlton blaze with the deeds of Harry Guy, the invincible back player; James Byrne , Harry Chadwick , their captain; Lanty O'Brien , Frank Hillsden , J.Duncan, the great drop kick; the Williams brothers, J. Clark , a fine forward; W. 'Bill' Gorman, the goal sneak; and his brother T.Gorman (Tom) , the 'heavy charger.' "
1875.Premiers. Carlton. 2. Melbourne, 3. Carlton Imperial.
1875 Fixture-Results.
First Twenty.
May 22. - At Royal Park; v Hawthorn 25. (most matches postponed due rain)
May 29. - At Maryborough; v Maryborough. Won-7 Goals ( Dedman 5, Newing 1, Nudd 1 ) to Nil.
June 05.- At Royal Park; v East Melbourne. Won 2 Goals (Blanshard and McGill, 1)
June 12.- At Royal Park; v Carlton Imperial. Drawn- 1 Goal (McGill) to 1.
June 19.- At Royal Park; v Melbourne. Won 1 Goal (Nudd) to Nil.
June 26.- At Royal Park; v North Melbourne. Drawn- No goals kicked.
July 03. - At Royal Park; v Hawthorn and Clifton, combined, 19 to 23, Won - 6 Goals (Dedman 4, Newing 1, Nudd 1) to Nil.
July 17. - At Melbourne; v Melbourne. Lost 2 Goals to Nil.
July 24. - At Royal Park; v Albert Park. Drawn - 1 Goal (Newing) to 1.
July 31. - At Royal Park; v StKilda/University. Won- 4 Goals (Newing 2, Lacey 1, McGill 1) to Nil.
Aug.07. - At Melbourne; v East Melbourne. Won - 1 Goal (S.Wallace) to Nil.
Aug.14. - At Royal Park; v Carlton Imperial. Drawn - No goals kicked.
Aug.21. - At University Ground; v Melbourne. Won -2 Goals (McGill and Dedman) to Nil.
Aug.28. - At Royal Park; v Geelong. Won - 4 Goals (Lacey, Dalton, McGill, and Dedman) to Nil.
Sept. 04.- At Royal Park; v North Melbourne. Won - 2 Goals (Dedman and McGill) to 1.
Sept. 18 - At University Reserve; v Carlton Imperial. Won- 2 Goals (Nudd 2) to Nil.
Sept. 25.- At Melbourne; v Melbourne. Won - 1 Goal (Nudd) to Nil.
Oct. 02. - At Royal Park; v Maryborough. (15 to 20) Won 2 Goals (McGill and Dedman) to Nil.
Matches played, 17; Won 12; Lost 1; Drawn 4.
Goals won 36; Goals lost, 5.
Goal scorers; Dedman 13, McGill 7, Nudd 6, Newing 5, Lacey 2, Dalton 1, Blanshard 1, and Wallace 1.
Second Twenty.
May 22. - v Elwood at Elsternwick Park.
May 29. - v Carlton Rifles at Royal Park.
June 5. - v Melbourne Second. Lost - 2 Goals to 1.
June 12.- v West Melbourne. Lost - 2 Goals to Nil.
June 26.- v St.Kilda Second. Lost - 1 Goal to Nil.
July 3. - v Carlton Imperial Second. - Lost 3 Goals to 1.
July 10.- v East Melbourne Second. Won - 2 Goals to Nil.
July 24.- v Albert Park Second. Lost - 2 Goals to Nil.
July 31.- v North Melbourne Second. Lost -2 Goals to Nil.
Aug. 7. - v Melbourne Second. Won - 4 Goals to Nil.
Aug.14. - v West Melbourne. Lost 3 Goals to Nil.
Aug. 28.- v St.Kilda Second. Won - 4 Goals to Nil.
Sept. 4.- v Carlton Imperial Second. Retired in favour of C.I.S.
Sept.11.- v East Melbourne Second. Walkover.
Sept.18.- v Albert Park Second. Drawn. No goals kicked.
Oct. 2. - v North Melbourne Second. Retired in favour of N.M.S.
Matches played; 11: Won 3, Lost 7, Drawn 1.
Goals Won 11, Goals Lost 15.
Goal Kickers, Brookes 3, Muir, W.Williams, G.Kennedy, Vale, Deely, Walters, Lamond, and Amess 1 goal each.
Junior Clubs
Argyle, Carlton Rifles, Carlton United, Faraday Union, North Carlton, North Star, South Carlton, Star of Carlton. (Origins of Australian Football Vol. 1)March 13
Carlton Football Club members played a friendly game of cricket in Royal Park.
April 10
Carlton played a practice match at Royal Park at 3pm.
April 23 Friday
Carlton AGM held at the Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan Street Carlton.
The president Robert Robertson presided.
160 members attended.
The season's receipts totalled £75/17/9 ($ 151.78)
"The report submitted congratulated the members on the continued sucess and prosperity of the club, the successful manner in which the first twenty has held the premiership for the past two seasons, and characterised the past season as the most brilliant one the club has gone through since its formation." (Leader May 01 p11)
Patrons: G. S. Coppin, Esq; John Curtain, Esq; Councillor, J. Walls, and Dr. J. C. Duncan.
Election of office bearers;
President; Mr. Robert Robertson.
Vice presidents; Messrs E. Latham, J. Donovan, G. Kennedy.
Hon.sec and treasurer; Thomas P. Power.
Assistant sec/Second Twenty; David Jones.
Committee; H. Boyle, A. W. McHarg, W. Newing, O. T. L. "Lanty" O'Brien, S. Wallace, W. Lacey, T. Kennedy, J. Glennon, G. McGill.
Captain; J. H. Guy.
Vice captain; J. Gardiner.
Messrs; J. Blanchard, W. Monie, A. W. McHarg and S. Wallace were presented with illuminated addresses.
Messrs; Billy Lacey, Billy Dedman, and J. S. Dismore each received lockets.
Goal kicking Champion of the Colony. William Dedman 13 goals, Blanshard, Donovan, Goer, McGill 3 each, Monie, and Dalton 2 each, Wallace, Rix, Dismorr and Guy, 1 each.
33 goals kicked, 6 goals against.
Games played 17, Won 12, Lost 1, Drew 4.
Home Ground; Royal Park. (Near main entrance)
Second Twenty; Played 9, Won 5, Lost 1, Drew 3.
Goals 10 kicked, 3 against.
Goals; F. Power 6, T. P. Power 2, Duncan and McRae 1 each.
T. P. Power (hon sec and treasurer) "was presented with a handsome set of tea and coffee service for his zeal and energy on behalf of the club."
"A hearty vote of thanks to Mr. D. Jones for his successful attempts in promoting the interests of the second twenty was recorded." (Australasian May 01 p12)
"Another thing.Up until1875 there was no distinct rule regulating how a ball should count that struck on the goal-posts and rebounded back into play.
About that year I was standing goal umpire for the Scotch College against St. Patrick's, when a "Scotchy" banged the ball flat against one of the goal-posts, from which it rebounded straight back into his hands, when he immediately "dropped" it and whizzed fairly through.
On being appealed to I gave the ball as a "behind" when it struck the goal-post. But, as there was no rule to that effect, the matter was left to the Sporting Editor of the Australasian, who decided in my favour.
To prevent any further mistake about the matter a rule was then made, and added to the existing code, nominating a ball striking the goal-post as a 'behind," and this also existed until last year, when it, too, was struck out.
Since then and during this season I have seen the same thing occur, and on each occasion the umpire has treated it as a behind.
But why was the rule interfered with?
I maintain that, as a matter of equity and law, the fact of the rule to that effect being struck out abrogates it altogether; and that a player has every right to avail himself of the contingency should it arise and try to secure a goal.
All the Associations in the world could not alter the fact that it would be a fair goal as matters stand at present."
George F. Bowen aka OLYMPUS (Melbourne Punch June 11 1891 p7)
May 01
The Australasian;
"Football clubs desirous of competing for the Second twenty Challenge Cup, presented by the Carlton Football Club, must send delegates to the meeting to be held on Tuesday evening, 4th May at Nissen's Cafe, at 8 o'clock."
May 01
Carlton held a practice match in Royal Park, Married v Single
May 08
"A meeting of representatives of the football clubs around Melbourne was held at Cavanagh's Hotel, Swanston-street, on Tuesday night to ascertain what clubs would take part in a second twenty challenge cup match. Mr. Hastings occupied the chair.The following clubs were represented:-
Carlton, North Melbourne, Albert Park, Carlton Imperial, East Melbourne, St.Kilda, and Melbourne. Mr. D. Jones was appointed secretary. It was resolved that two representatives from each club competing should form the committee. The first meeting of the committee was appointed for Tuesday next at Cavanagh's Hotel. It is expected that other clubs than those represented will join."
(Advocate May 08 p15)
The meeting resolved that 2 points would be awarded for a win, and 1 point for draw. The team with the most points at the end of the season would be declared the winners of the cup. In the event of a tie the committee would arrange the final matches.
To read The Age report of the meeting, click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article202139047
May 08
The Carlton First Twenty played the Second Twenty-Five at 3pm at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (20)
Blanschard, Donovan, Dedman, Dalton, Dismorr, Guy (Capt.), Kendall, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, McGill, McGibbon, O'Brien, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, G. Robertson, Wallace, Williamson, W. Williams.
Second 25 team; (29)
Amess, Amess, Aram, Azzopardi, Brookes, Bennent, Boyle, Carr, Coulthard, Carroll, Downing, Hillsden, Hilton, Jones, T. Lacey, Lamond, Muir, Monie, Noall, Page, Prendergast, Richardson, Tuohey, F. Power, Turnbull, Vale, F. Williams, Gardiner and J. Robertson.
May 14 Friday
The Carlton Football Club held their annual concert and ball at the Horticultural Hall in Victoria Street opposite Trades' Hall.
There was a large attendance and dancing continued after the concert.
May 15
The Weekly Times (p12) reported that Carlton will be without the services of Goer and Monie.Goer is said to have returned to his old club the Carlton Imperial as they are now a senior club, and Monie has ventured to the country.
The paper says Robertson, a well known junior cricketer and Nudd from the Carlton Second Twenty will replace them.
May 15
North Melbourne will not play matches against Carlton and Melbourne this season.They refused to play their second match against Melbourne last year and wrote a letter to Melbourne which was considered offensive. Melbourne asked for them to withdraw it which they refused.
Also, after last year's dispute both Carlton and North Melbourne refuse to play on each others grounds, unless a neutral ground can be found. Melbourne has barred North Melbourne from using the M.C.G.
The Australasian said;
"It is very unwise for a comparatively new club like the North Melbourne to have any cause of quarrel with such old-established clubs as the Melbourne and Carlton."
(Australasian p12)
Carlton did settle their differences with North and they played each other on June 26
May 22
Carlton played Hawthorn (25) at Royal Park.
Most matches postponed because of rain.
Carlton team; (22 named)
Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Goer, Guy (Capt.), A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Williamson, Nudd, McGibbon, McGill, Newing, Kendall, O'Brien, C. Pattison, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace, and Amess.
No details
Carlton Second Twenty played Elwood at Elsternwick
No details
May 22
"The entries for the Challenge Cup given by the Carlton Club for the second twenties have been filled up well. It strikes me there will be some difficulties in defining who are second twenty players. No club could afford, say, to reserve twenty men only, and let all the others in the club rank as second twenty, whilst, on the other hand, if more were reserved, the second twenty would be unduly weakened.The rules drawn up, under which the cup is to be played for, deal with this point, but not explicitly enough. One states that a list of second twenty men may forwarded to the secretary of the Cup Committee; another that second twenty men play as emergencies in the first twenty. So that it is only necessary to send in a long list of players, first twenty men or not, and the rule is practically of no avail. This seems to be the only weak point in the whole affair.
Two points are to be given to a club winning a match, and one point to each club in a drawn game, the club with the greatest number of points at the end of the season to win the cup. This is similar to the rule under which the last Junior Challenge Cup was played for."
(Trove: Australasian p12)
May 24 Monday Queens Birthday Holiday
Carlton were to play Maryborough at Maryborough, but the latter were unable to to field a team as most of their players were engaged in the Fire Brigade who had a demonstration in Sandhurst (Bendigo) that day.
The Australasian reported that Carlton had then arranged to meet Sandhurst on the Queens Birthday and this would be the first time the Blues had ventured to the city.
It is unknown if this match took place as the Australasian the following week made no mention of it, and in fact said that the Maryborough team played Ballarat in Ballarat.
May 29
Carlton played Maryborough at the Princes Park ground, Maryborough.
The team met at Spencer Street Station at 3pm. Friday.
An admission charge of 6d was made to help in defraying the costs.
The match was planned to commence at 1.30pm.
Guy won the toss, and gave Maryborough the advantage of the wind.
It did them little good, as Carlton won easily.
Dedman was too elusive for his opponents. He scored the first goal after five minutes of play. Ten minutes later Nudd scored the second goal and then Newing the third.
Donovan played well for Carlton in his usual dashing style.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
Amess, Blanchard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Guy (Capt.)Kendall, A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, McGill, McGibbon, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, J. Robertson, C. Robertson, Wallace, Pattison.
Emergencies; Williams, Williamson.
Carlton won; 7-0
Goals; Dedman 5, W. Newing, Nudd.
Best; Donovan, Lacey, Guy, Gardiner, McGill, Blanshard, Amess, Nudd, Robertson.
Carlton Second Twenty fixtured to play Carlton Rifles in Royal Park
No details
June 05
Carlton played East Melbourne at Royal Park.
The mach did not commence until 4pm and finished at 5.30pm in the near dark.
The Blues won the toss and kicked with the breeze.
McGill scored his goal with a fine running drop kick.
The Australasian reported that crowd encroachment was again a problem;
"The people had this time had much encroached on the ground, with the usual pigheadedness displayed by any body of spectators. When an important match takes place on this ground the members should take care to have the ground properly kept, as the absence of a well-defined boundary line makes it very awkward both for players and spectators. If policeman cannot be obtained, why not let some the non-playing members in some sort of half uniform and specially devote themselves the purpose of keeping the crowd in its proper place?"
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner, Guy (Capt.) A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Kendall, Lacey, McGill, Macgibbon, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace and Williamson.
Carlton won; 2-0 (Half time 2-0)
Goals; Blanshard, McGill.
Carlton Reserves played Melbourne Reserves in Royal Park.Carlton team; (25 named)
Amess, Aram, Bell, Brooke, Boyd, Carr, Dealey/Deeley, Downing, Hillsden (Vice Capt), Jones, Kennedy, Knowles, T. Lacey, Long, Lamond, Muir, O'Grady, Power, Richardson, Robertson, Tuohey (Capt), Williams, Williams, Walters, Vale.
Carlton lost; 1-2.
June 12
Carlton played Carlton Imperial at Royal Park.
The Blues on the day were the better team, but they missed some easy scoring opportunities due to the poor state of the ground.
After half time the Blues with the exception of four men had every one on the forward line. The Imps then rushed the ball forward overwhelming the four defenders and scored the equaliser.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Guy (Capt.), Kendall, T. Kennedy, A. Kennedy, Lacey, McGill, Macgibbon, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, J. Robertson, G. Robertson, Wallace, and Williamson.
Match drawn; 1-1 (Half time Carlton 1-0)
Goal; McGill
Players mentioned; Wallace, McGill, Newing, Donovan, Robertson, Lacey, Blanshard.
Turnbull, Coulthard, and Henry, future Carlton players, all played well for Carlton Imperial.
Carlton Reserves played West Melbourne at Royal Park
The Blues had the better of the game in the first half, however West Melbourne scored two quick goals.
Carlton team; (29 named)
Amess, Aram, Brooks, Bell, Blanschard, Boyd, Carr, Dealey, Downing, Hillsden, Jones, Kennedy, Knowles, Lacey, Lamond, Muir, Monie, Nathan, O'Grady, Opie, Power, Power, Radcliffe, Robertson, Richardson, Toohey (Capt), Vale, Walters, Williams.
Carlton lost; 0-2.
June 12
The Australasian Sketcher's (Adelaide edition) had a very interesting article on Australian Football.http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article244715694
The ground is the Metropolitan or the "Gravel Patch," which was on the northern side adjacent to the MCG.
Wellington Parade is clearly shown.
Ron Barassi Collection/Leonard Joel
June 19
To the editor of The Argus"Sir, To-morrow (Saturday) ought to witness a grand encounter between the above teams, provided always (as lawyers say) that the crowd are made to behave fairly.
When the Carlton team comes to Melbourne they always have a clear ground, and have to play on their merits.
When a match takes place at Carlton however, and the local team are at all hard pressed, their "crowd" comes to their assistance by rushing the ground, &c, which was illustrated in two matches last year, when the visiting team were treated disgracefully.
I do not mean to cast any slur on the Carlton team, as I am sure they are honest players, and powerless to stop such unfairness on the part of the spectators. I simply write this to suggest to the police authorities that the presence of say a dozen troopers this afternoon will be a great boon to both players and unbiased spectators. I am, &c."
June 18 ...............NEUTRAL
June 19
Carlton played Melbourne at Royal Park.
The only talk in town this week was which team would win, Carlton or Melbourne?
"The various approaches to the park from the city were literally black with people journeying towards the convincing ground, while Elizabeth-street, from the Post Office to the park gates, was densely thronged with with well-laden vehicles of every description."
Crowd; 8,000-10,000.
The Herald said "Guy will lead his men, in this his first grand match as captain."
It had rained every day during the week, however, the day was fine, but the ground was wet and slippery. The match was to commence at 2.30pm but got underway at 3pm.
Melbourne won the toss and kicked to the eastern end favoured by a slight breeze.
Harry Guy kicked off, "Forward, Carlton!"
Spectators encroached onto the ground after half time reducing the flagged and roped playing area from 200 yards by 150 yards to a width of 50-60 yards.
Melbourne had many chances to score in the second half, but the Blues hung on for a win.
Nudd scored the only goal getting his foot to the ball while it was "on the hop" after 30 minutes of play.
Umpire; J. Conway
Goal Umpires; Carlton, J. Henderson; Melbourne, Searcy
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Donovan, Gardiner, Guy (Capt) , Kendall, Kennedy, Kennedy, Lacey, Monie, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Robertson, Robertson, Wallace.
Carlton won; 1-0 (Half time 1-0)
Goal; Nudd. (The Age credited the goal to Dedman)
Players mentioned; (13) McGill, Nudd, Newing, Guy, MacGibbon, Monie, Dedman, Lacey, Gardiner, Wallace, Blanshard, Williams, Lanty O'Brien
Carlton Second Twenty did not play.
"Numerous are the number of matches played during the football season, none possess so many features of attraction to the lovers of the game as the periodical trials of skill between the clubs representing Melbourne and Carlton. These clubs time after time have vanquished all before them, and are now recognised as the leading exponents of the game in the colony. Under these circumstances, it is little matter for surprise that the arena on which they try conclusions is invariably thronged by thousands of people, actuated by laudable desire of witnessing every point and feature in the ever-varying fortunes of the game. The opening contest between these rivals was this season invested with rather more than ordinary interest, inasmuch as Melbourne was said to be stronger than last season, when they made such a bold stand against Carlton and the latter were reputed to be, if anything, weaker. The prospects of the game thus appeared to be very even, and Melbourne had many backers, who eagerly snapped up the slight shade of odds offered on the representatives of Carlton.The weather overhead on Saturday was all that could be desired, and from an early hour in the afternoon the long unbroken line of foot-passengers in Elizabeth street, leading northwards, betokened a large attendance in Royal Park; but on arriving at trysting spot at about 3 o'clock it was evident at half a glance that, as regards the number of spectators, the reality far exceeded that most sanguine anticipations. At one time there must have been between 8,000 and 10,000 persons present, but although it was always a healthy sign of popularity of the sport to see a large gathering at any of our out-door amusements, 10,000 people assembled in Royal Park for the purposes of witnessing a football match, is far too much of a good thing. No matter how energetic the police maybe in their endeavours to keep the spectators from encroaching on the playing ground, their efforts are comparatively futile, and Saturday was no exception to the rule. As the game became exciting, the public gradually encroached on the players, and after the first hour's play it was simply impossible to watch the progress of the game. Some of the non playing members of the Carlton club ably assisted the few police present, in keeping the spectators outside the ropes, but they could do very little towards such a desirable consummation, and after "half time," all that could be seen of the game by those in the rear rank, was the surging to and fro of the spectators, as the "bladder" was driven from one part of the ground to another. Owing to the previous wet weather, the ground in places was very bad, it being impossible, from the greasy, slippery consistency of the surface mud, to secure a firm foothold. As a consequence, falls were more numerous than kicks, and the amusement of the spectators was well attended throughout the afternoon. The efforts of many leading players on both sides were to an extent nullified owing to this cause, it being a frequent incident of the fray that a herculean kickite would make a vigorous rush at the ball, and find himself in a recumbent position without having effected his purpose, owing his downfall only to the treacherous nature of the soil. However, the ground was not all so bad, and on the firmer portions there raged the fiercest fight; but taking it on the whole, the ground was all against the players, who had very little opportunity afforded them of displaying their kicking abilities.
Long before 3 o'clock the players were all assembled, and it was then seen that both clubs were as strongly represented as could have been desired, the most noticeable absentees being Donovan, of Carlton and Forrester, of Melbourne. The proceedings commenced in the usual manner by the rival skippers, Goldsmith and Guy, tossing for choice of ends, and Dame Fortune smiling on the former, he very sensibly decided from kicking from the west end, and the light wind blowing at the time being all in their favour. As soon as the kickoff took place, it was evident that the metropolitan team was in great heart, and playing with unexpected determination, quickly ran the ball down to the Carlton goal posts, where Williams nearly secured a goal. After an animated struggle, in which Carlton had to "play up," the ball was gradually bought to the centre of the ground, from whence a fine rally bought it down to the Melbourne end. Here the battle became fast and furious, but Nudd cleverly taking the ball out of a scrimmage, managed to kick first goal for Carlton. It was almost needless to say that this result was received with great enthusiasm by the adherts of the Carlton team, who were by no means backward in asserting that the match was a certainty for them.
The Melbourne team, however, played together in fine style and when "half time" arrived, no more goals had been kicked by either side, although the Melbourne team appeared to have somewhat the best of it. At this stage of the game the spectators were spread almost all over the ground, so that very little could be seen of the remainder of the game. Melbourne showed well, but could not secure a goal, and when the game terminated at five o'clock, the Carlton team were declared the victors by one goal. It would be unfair to the players to attempt to criticise the game, the ground being all against good players, but it is evident that the Melbourne team will have a fine chance of beating the Carlton team when they next meet on the metropolitan ground."
(Weekly Times June 26 p5)
June 26
Carlton played North Melbourne at Royal Park.
It started out as a beautiful day for football, however dark clouds appeared near the start of play but they blew over.
Crowd; 5,000 Another report said it was well patronised by both sexes.
Guy won the toss and kicked with the breeze towards the University end.
At half time players from both teams indulged in oranges, water, and brandy to "enabling them to undergo without fatigue another hour's hard fighting."
Crowd encroachment was again a problem.
A hard fought, well contested match that ended in a draw.
The Blues played with 17 men.
Umpire; Harry F. Boyle
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Donovan, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Guy (Capt.), A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace, and Williamson.
Match drawn; 0-0
Players mentioned; (12) Pattison, Guy, Lacey, Gardiner, Wallace, Nudd, McGill, Newing, Monie, Bannister, Macgibbon, Blanshard.
Carlton Reserves played St.Kilda Reserves.
The St.Kilda team met at the Melbourne and Hobsons Bay Railway Station (Flinders Street) at 2.15pm, so the match was probably in Royal Park.
The two teams are playing for the Challenge Cup.
Carlton team; (30 named)
R. Amess, Aram, Bannister, Bell, Brooks, Carr, Downing, Dealey, Hillsden, Jones, Kennedy, Knowles, Lamond, Muir, Nathan, O'Grady, Power, Power, Richardson, Robertson, Radcliffe, Tuohey (Capt), Williams, Williams, Vale, Walters, Duckett, Long, T. Lacey, Bennett.
Carlton lost; 0-1.
June 26
The Australasian reports that St.Kilda and University are having trouble fielding teams and the two clubs have met to combine forces. The name of the new club as yet has not been decided on.
July 03
The Age:
"The Carlton Club is disengaged for the 10th July, and will be glad to arrange a match with any other club similarly fixed."
July 03
In Royal Park Carlton were due to play a Police Team (25) captained by Jack Conway this day, but the match was cancelled as the Police were unable to field a team.
Hawthorn were due to Clifton but both sides combined to play Carlton.
Carlton (19) played Hawthorn and Clifton combined (23) at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dismorr, Donovan, Dedman, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Guy (Capt.), A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, MacGibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, Pattison, J. Robertson, Wallace, Williamson.
Carlton won; 6 - 0
Goals; Dedman 4, Newing, Nudd.
Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played Carlton Imperial in Royal Park.
Carlton lost; 1-3.
July 08 Thursday
At a special meeting of the Melbourne Football Club former Blue Charles Forrester was elected captain on the resignation of Goldsmith.
July 10
Carlton played North Melbourne in Royal Park.
The only mention is in The Age, July 10;
"Carlton and North Melbourne having both been disappointed in their matches for this afternoon in consequence of the numerous amalgamations that are taking place among clubs, they will meet each other in the Royal Park for a match."
The Australasian July 17;
"The match arranged for Saturday last, between the Carlton and North Melbourne clubs, did not come off, the latter team not turning up. The North Melbourne secretary, when arranging the match, stated that he, perhaps, would not be able to get a team together, so no blame attaches to the club."
No details.
Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played East Melbourne Reserves in Royal Park.
Carlton team; (28 named)
R. Amess, Aram, Archer, Bell, Brooks, Bennett, Carr, A. Cooper, Deeley, Donning, Hillsden, Kennedy, Knowle, Lamond, Long, Muir (Capt.), Monie, Nathan, Opie, Power, Prendergast, Radcliffe, Richardson, Robertson, Robin, Toohey, Williams, Vale.
Carlton won; 2-0.
July 10
The Australasian reports on the amalgamation of St. Kilda and University. The University club is not happy with the situation and believes a combine will not strengthen their team.
July 17
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne ground.
Crowd; "No less than 11,000" (Australasian), a new wire fence did not prevent the crowd from enroaching on the players. It was deliberately cut.
Former Blue Charles Forrester won the toss and Melbourne kicked towards the Richmond end.
"Forward Carlton" was the cry as McGill kicked off after Melbourne had scored their first goal.
Melbourne defeated the Blues for the first time in two years.
The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil, August 7, said;
"The two crack football clubs, Melbourne and Carlton, met for a second time on the 17th. July, in the presence of at least 10,000 spectators. The excitement and party feeling were intense, and the play was most spirited. Melbourne eventually had the best of the game, getting two goals to Carlton's none.
The popularity that the game of football has acquired in the colony is something wonderful."
The home side scored the first goal after only 5 minutes of play after Kennedy's "shocking bad judgment by kicking the ball right into his hands instead of towards the wings" was marked by a Melbourne player only 15 yards out from goal. Melbourne scored again within 10 minutes of the last goal.
Just before half time Nudd had a chance, and the usually reliable goal sneak from only 6 yards out missed! Much to the disgust of the Carlton supporters.
This was the first time in two seasons that Melbourne has defeated Carlton.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Donovan, Gardiner, Guy, Kendall, Kennedy, Kennedy, Lacey, Monie, MacGibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Robertson, Robertson, Wallace.
Umpire; A. Greenwood. (St.Kilda's captain)
Carlton lost; 0-2 (Half time 0-2)
Players mentioned; (14) McGill, Nudd, Lacey, Gardiner, Guy, Marshall, Wallace, O'Brien, Tom Kennedy, Dismorr, Monie, Blanshard, Dedman, MacGibbon.
July 22 Thursday
The Melbourne Punch wrote this amusing report of last Saturday's match.
"The return match between Melbourne and Carlton came off last Saturday, in the presence of nearly 10,000 spectators.Forrester acted as chief murderer for Melbourne, and Guy superintended the maiming operations for the Carlton slaughterers. Melbourne having won the toss, the ball was kicked off by Carlton, speedily returned by Melbourne, bobbed about, until it came to Nicholas, who applied his right toe, in the right place, at the right time, and his side scored a goal. The Carlton men showed their colors in their faces, and look "blue." The ball goes away again, but it is soon sent back, and a festive cuss called Carr seems determined to make his "mark," and makes it. From this mark this agile homicide secures a second goal for Melbourne.
And now the fight waxes hot. Some kick the ball, others kick their opponents' shins while a few game 'uns try to kick themselves on the back of the head. But they fail, and in revenge kick the first head they see. Marshall retires gracefully with a sprained ankle. Wallace lays about him manfully, for he knows that a jury will only find a verdict of manslaughter - Forrester with similar feelings, works on a similar principle - the "Luffs" heave too.
Ever and annon a wild Irish yell startles the Richmond 'bus horses and O'Brien is seen like a maniac dealing death and destruction around. Longden plays brilliantly, kicking backwards, forwards, and round the corner. Carlton tries it's darndest - Nudd batters at the goal - Dismorr, Gardiner, and Monie run with the ball as if a policeman followed them - Lacey plays in full blooded stlye, as if he knew what boils meant - Kennedy tries to kill everybody and nearly succeeds in killing himself, and long McGill is everywhere.
But, all in vain - the game is over, and after seven successive victories, Carlton is defeated at last!
The Melbourne played splendidly for the game, and not as usual for individual display. If the Carlton players will take a word of advice, they will run less and kick more. If they do this they will retrieve their laurels.
Your reporter picked up a set of teeth, and a broken pair of spectacles, which he encloses herewith. The owner of the teeth can have them by applying to this office, and if Mr. Bennie will let us know his address, we shall be most happy to forward him his "goggles" per post, right side up with care."
July 24
Carlton played Albert Park at Royal Park.
Crowd; 5,000
Play began at 3.15pm after the Bracken and Guy tossed the coin. Bracken won and the visitors kicked with the aid of the breeze.
Carlton's McGill kicked off to start the match.
There were two Brackens playing for Albert Park, W. 'Billy' Bracken & Loch J. Bracken both would join the Blues next season 1876.
The Parkites were disadvantaged by having only 18 men and the Blues had the full complement of 20.
Gardiner, Guy, and McGibbon replused many attacks running the ball down the ground.
"During one of these brilliant charges Newing obtained the ball in front of the A. P. goal and with a well judged and neat kick sent the ball flying between the posts, first goal for Carlton."
Albert Park equalised with a magnificent 55 yard kick for goal, just before end of the first half.
After the ball had been thrown up in centre after half time, crowd encroachment of the playing arena became a problem and every time the ball hit a spectator it was declared out of bounds. The overworked umpire, not too worried about carying it all the way back to the boundary line, threw the ball back into nearly the centre of the ground, which was much to the Blues advantage having extra players.
Also Bracken had to stop play a few times and push back the spectators so as to give his players extra room. It was described in the (Record Emerald Hill) as "it was like playing in a lane."
"... spectators, who, as usual, encroached onto the ground, to the great detriment of the players - in fact, during the last half of the game they formed a circle around the Carlton goal not allowing the Albert-park men anything like a fair show." (Trove: Australasian July 31 p11)
McGill just failed to score a goal in the second half with the ball just going over the post. The Blues had the better of the game, but it may have been a different result if Albert Park had had a full side.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Amess, Boulter, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Goodall, Guy (Capt.), A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, Pattison, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace.
Emergency; Williamson/Wallis (Australasian)
Match drawn; 1-1 (Half time 1-1)
Goal; Newing/The 1875 edition of The Footballer says Dedman.
Players mentioned; (8) Dedman, Amess (half-back), Guy, Lacey, Newing, McGill, Gardiner, McGibbon.
Carlton Reserves played Albert Park Reserves on the Albert Park ground.
The Blues won the toss and kick with a strong wind. Despite having the wind the Blues were unable to score a goal in the first half.
Albert Park soon after the second half started scored the first of their two goals.
Carlton lost; 0-2. (Half time 0-0)
Best; Emmett, Amess, Toohey, Knowles.
July 24
"Letters have been received by the secretaries of the Carlton and Melbourne clubs from the agent of Mr. W. S. Cox, suggesting that a match be arranged between these clubs, to be played on the Kensington-park racecourse, for which an admission should be charged, Mr. W. S. Cox to received half the net proceeds.
I hear, however, that the proposal is not viewed favourably by either club; it will, therefore, I presume, come to nothing. It has also been mooted to play the match arranged between these clubs for the 21st prox., on the University ground, charging 6d. admission, for the benefit of Jackson, the cricketer who lately lost his sight at Sandhurst. The latter is by far the better suggestion of the two."
(Trove: Australasian p12)
July 27 Tuesday
"A meeting of the members of the Carlton Football Club takes place this evening, at the Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan-street, to appoint a treasurer and committee to look after the interests of the second twenty." (Age p3)
July 31
Carlton played St.Kilda and University Combined, at Royal Park.
Crowd; 2,000 plus.
"The Carltonians had no difficulty whatever in defeating the combined team, securing no less than four goals to their opponents' nil."
Carlton team; (21 named)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Goodall, Guy, A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, MacGibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Southey, Wallace, and Williamson.
Carlton won; 4-0.
Goals; Newing 2, Lacey, McGill.
Carlton Reserves played North Melbourne at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Bail/Bell?, Boyd, Brookes, Carr, Cooper, Deely, Hurst, Kennedy, Knowles, Lamond, Long, Muir, Monie, Power, Robin, Tuohey/Toohey, Vale, Williams, Williams,
Carlton lost 1-2
Best; Kennedy, Toohey, Muir.
August 07
Carlton played East Melbourne at the Melbourne ground.
Crowd; 2,000
Harry Guy won the toss and chose the Richmond end to kick to.
An exciting match with the East Melbournites playing one man short.
The umpire awarded Carlton a free kick late in the game, from which Wallace scored the only goal.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Goodall, Guy, A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Southey, Wallace, Williamson.
Emergencies; Williams, Pattison
Umpire; McClure
Carlton won; 1 - 0
Goal; S. Wallace.
Best/mentioned; (9) Lacey, Gardiner, Guy, McGill, Dismorr, Dedman, S. Wallace, Williams, Newing.
Carlton Reserves played Melbourne Reserves at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Bell, Brookes, Boyd, Cooper, Carr, Deeley, Jones, Knowles, Kennedy, Lamond, Long, Muir (Capt), Monie, Mountain, Power, Robertson, Richardson, Robin, Touhey, Vale, Williams.
Carlton won; 4-0.
Carlton Third Twenty played North Melbourne in Royal Park.
The Age August 07 (p5)
No details.
There is another mention of a Carlton thirds team on June 14 1879
August 14
Carlton played Carlton Imperial at Royal Park.
Crowd; a "considerable number of spectators."
A gale blew across the ground making good football impossible. The Blues missed chance after chance to goal in the second half.
Dedman's goal after half time was disallowed by the goal umpire.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Boulter, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner (Vice Capt.), Goodall, Guy (Capt.), A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace, Williamson.
Match drawn; 0-0.
Players mentioned; (7) McGill (better player for his brilliant marking and kicking), Lacey (better player "untiring exertions after the ball"), Dedman, Newing, Guy, Gardiner, Wallace
Carlton Reserves played West Melbourne (Firsts) at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Bell, Boyd, Brooks, Cooper, Dealey, Kennedy, Knowles (Vice capt), Lamond, Long, Monie, Mountain, Muir (Capt), Nathan, Power, Prendergast, Robin, Toohey, Vale, Williams
Carlton lost; 1 - 3.

Trove, SLV; Age August 20 p4
August 21Carlton played Melbourne on the University ground.
Carlton players gathered at Osgood's Clyde Hotel at 2pm.
Crowd; between 5,000-7,000.
This match was played at fenced ground where an admission of 6d (5c) could be charged. The Australasian said as only £105 was taken, many people had "jumped the fence."
The Bendigo Advertiser; "A novel principle is to introduced in connection with this contest - no less than a charge for admission, the proceeds of which are to be give to Mr. E. Jackson...."
This was a charity match and all money raised was donated to a fund for a well known Sandhurst (Bendigo) miner and cricketer Mr. Edward J. Jackson who was badly injured in an explosion. Jackson was a friend of Mr. H. F. Boyle captain of the East Melbourne Cricket Club. Boyle suggested that Carlton and Melbourne could be willing to allow a charge for admission to raise some money. £97 ($194) was raised for Mr. Jackson. (Jackson died in 1893)
H. F. Boyle, " I take this opportunity of thanking the gentlemen of the Melbourne and Carlton football clubs for so promptly responding to my application to play the above match, also to Professor Strong for the free use of the ground." (Bendigo Advertiser Aug. 26)
Melbourne kicked to the eastern end with the aid of a slight wind attacked most of the first half, but to no avail.
In the second half the wind freshened, and the Blues took full advantage.
Carlton attacked and scored, through a brilliant mark to McGill who kicked a fine 30 yard goal. Ten minutes later Dedman emerging from a scrimmage, scored another from close in.
No further goals were scored. The Blues had played with "far more dash and vigour than their opponents."
"Baffled and beaten, the Melbourne still bore bravely on, and if the ball got down the field there be sure Loughnan was not wanting. he fought grandly for his side at this stage of the game, as indeed all his men; but their valiant efforts were powerless to prevent Nudd, for Carlton, from getting the ball and sending it in such dangerous proximity to the posts, that loud shouts proclaimed a goal for Carlton. The umpire, however, adjudged "no goal, " and play was fiercer than ever. Admist a fierce rally, McGill sprang into mid air and caught a beautiful mark; and during the suspense that watched his kick, this magnificent player sent the ball fairly between the posts, an unquestioned goal. Thousands of throats proclaimed that Carlton had won." (Herald August 23 p3)
Carlton team; (20 named)
Blanschard, Dalton, Dismorr, Dedman, Gardiner, Guy (Capt), Lacey, Monie, Macgibbon, McGill, Kendall, A. Kennedy, Nudd, Newing, O'Brien, J. Robertson, G. Robertson, Wallace, Williams, Williamson.
Umpire; Henry Budd
Goal Umpires; Carlton, Henderson; Melbourne, Searcy
Carlton won; 2 - 0 (Half time 0 - 0)
Goals; McGill, Dedman.
Players mentioned; (14) McGill, Dedman, Lacey, Gardiner, Goer, Guy, Newing, Monie, Kendall, Wallace, Dalton, Robertson, Nudd, Macgibbon
"Would I be a Byron, or a Scott, so I might plume my pen from fancy's wing, and picture this gallant struggle between two clubs who erst have striven, each playing for the laurel.The games are even - Carlton the one, Melbourne the other, and this the deciding. So I go to the University ground bent my steps, where thousands of spectators all eager to witness the game stood round the players, each conversing with his friends, each hopeful.
Melbourne the favorites, and certainly a better team than theirs could not have been brought together. The "bull-dogs" as they are facetiously termed, looked in spite of all things, inspite of their not defeating clubs that the Melbourne had thrashed hollow, still, inspite of all this, Carlton had determination all written on their faces. "Do or die" was their motto."
August 21
The Age;"A meeting of the Carlton Second Twenty Cup committee takes place this evening, at Nissen's Cafe, at eight p.m., when all matters under protest will be decided."
August 28
Carlton played Geelong at Royal Park.
Crowd; 3,000
Carlton won the toss and kicked towards the eastern goal.
Hall of Geelong kicked off, but Lacey almost immediately got the ball in the centre. He dodged, and weaved his way past the Geelong defenders, he then put the ball through the goal for the Blues first. Towards the end of the first half Dalton marked forty yards out, "and by a magnificent kick scored number two for the Metropolitans." Lacey was the Blues best player.
"For Carlton, Lacey assumed the premier position, he appeared to be ubiquitous, although he showed himself too partial to the reprehensible practice of hugging." (Geelong Advertiser Aug 30 p3)
The Blues entertained the Geelong side after the game at the Carlton Club Hotel, and they caught the last train back to the Pivot.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Amess, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Guy, Goodall, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kendall, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Robertson, Robertson, Wallace, Williams, Williamson.
Carlton won; 4.19 - 0.17 (Half time 2-0)
Goals; Lacey, Dalton, McGill, Dedman.
Other players mentioned. Guy, Gardiner, Newing, Nudd
Carlton Reserves played St.Kilda in Royal Park.
St.Kilda could only muster 15 men.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Absolom, Bell, Brooks, A. Cooper, Dealey/Deeley, Jones, Kennedy, Knowles (Vice Capt.), Lamond, Long, Muir (Capt.), Monie, Nathan, Power, Power, Robin, Toohey, Vale, Walters, Williams.
Carlton Reserves won 2-1.
September 04
Carlton played North Melbourne at Royal Park.
A large crowd of 5,000 attended and surrounded the poorly marked playing area.
Play got underway at 3.30pm.
Carlton kicked to the western goal, up a slight slope.
North scored the only goal in the first half which resulted from,
"T. Kennedy, the Carlton the goal-keeper, foolishly leaving his post, and allowing the ball to bounce over his head."
The Northerners captain Furphop, who had recieved a knock earlier, became so excited that he fell down in a fit and had to be removed from the ground.
Ends were changed, and the Blues scored their first goal at 5pm by Dedman.
McGill scored the second shorty before full time.
The Blues were upset at North's rough house tactics.
A third goal kicked by Dedman was disallowed as it hit some spectators standing in the goal area between the goal posts, where they should not have been.
A letter to The Australasian the following week raised this incident. The opinion of "Free Kick" was that the goal should have been allowed, and this was not the first time that this had happened this season, and that the clubs should have this rule clarified before next season commences.
Umpire; Healey
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Blanchard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Guy, Goer, Kendall, A. Kennedy, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, O'Brien, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace and Williamson.
Emergencies; Amess, Williams.
Carlton won; 2-1
Goals; Dedman, McGill.
Players mentioned; (10) Robertson, T. Kennedy, Lacey, Gardiner, McGill, Guy, Newing, Macgibbon, Dedman, Kendall.
Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played Carlton Imperial Reserves at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Amess, Absolam, Boyd, Bell, Brookes, Carr, Cooper, Deeley, Jones, Kennedy, Knowles (Vice Capt), Long, Muir (Capt), Monie, Marshall, Nathan, J. Newing, Robin, Power, Toohey, Vale, F. Williams, Watters/Walters?
Retired in favor of Carlton Imperial Seconds.
September 11
Carlton were to play Albert Park, the latter were unable to field a team.
No team details.
Carlton Reserves played East Melbourne Reserves at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Amess, Absolom, Bell, Boyd, Bannister, Brookes, A. Cooper, Carr, Deeley, Knowles (Vice Capt.), Kennedy, Long, Muir (Capt.), Monie, Newing, Nathan, Power, Robin, Robinson, Toohey, Vale, Walters, Williams.
Carlton lost in a walk-over.
September 18
Carlton played Carlton Imperial at the University paddock.
The Blues were two players short for the entire match.
A large crowd attended, and the start was delayed with waiting for players to turn up.
Carlton won the toss and kicked with the wind to the western end, however it turned into a cross wind and was of little advantage.
The Carlton Imps team included Coulthard, Barrass, Ford, Fullarton, Henry, Rickards and Waldron, all former and future Carlton names.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Amess, Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismoor, Donovan, Gardiner, Guy, Kendall, A. Kennedy, Lacey, MacGibbon, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Pattison, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace, and Williamson.
Emergency; Williams
Carlton won; 2-0 (Half time 2 - 0)
Goals; Nudd 2.
Players mentioned; Nudd, Gardiner, Guy, Lacey, McGill, Newing.
Carlton Reserves played Albert Park Reserves at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Amess, Aram, Bell, Boyd, Bannister, Brooks, Carr, Cooper, Duncan, Dealey, Glennon, Kennedy, Knowles, Long, Lamond, Mure/Muir (Capt), Monie, Nathan, Power, Babin./Robin, Toohey, Eales/Vale?, Walters, Williams.
Match drawn; 0-0.
September 25
Carlton played Melbourne on the Melbourne ground.
Crowd; 8,000 - 10,000 Many women attended.
Guy (Captain) won the toss and Melbourne kicked off towards the Richmond end.
A closely contested game in the first half in which Melbourne had the slight advantage.
The central umpire threw the ball in the air to start the second half, and Melbourne attacked, but the Blues worked the ball to their end and the Reds appeared to tire. For the remaining 45 minutes of the match the ball was in Carlton's forward line, twice the ball hit the post. Nudd marked, and kicked the only goal minutes before the end of the game.
The Australasian said;
"The Carlton thus won the most exciting match ever played in the colony, having succeeded in obtaining the only goal kicked during the day. The play throughout was the most brilliant description - The Melbourne team, weakened by the loss of some of it's ablest men, never played in better form.
The Carlton men, as usual, played beautifully together, some of the short marks to each other eliciting loud applause from the spectators."
Umpire; McArthur
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Blanshard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Donovan, Gardiner, Goer, Guy, Kendall, A. Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, McGill, Monie, Newing, Nudd, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Wallace, and Williamson.
Emergencies; Williams, Amess.
Carlton won; 1 - 0 (Half time 0.1 - 0.1)
Goal; Nudd.
Players mentioned; (20) Guy, Lacey, Newing, Gardiner, Monie, Donovan, Nudd, McGill, Dismorr, Dalton, Macgibbon, Goer, G. Robertson, J. Robertson, Kendall, Blanshard, Wallace, Dedman, Kennedy, Williamson.
October 02
Carlton (15) played Maryborough (20) at Royal Park.
A good crowd attended despite the little interest in this match.
The wind was blowing across the ground and the ball was out of bounds a lot of the time marring the game as a spectacle.
The visitors played well, but lacked the cool judgment of the Carlton players.
Carlton team; (16 named)
Blanschard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner, Guy, Kendall, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, McGill, Newing, Nudd, Robertson, Wallace, Williamson.
Carlton won; 2-0
Goals; Dedman, McGill. (The Australasian said Dedman and Nudd)
No other players mentioned.
Carlton Reserves were to play North Melbourne Reserves at Royal Park.
Retired in favor of North Melbourne.
October 18 Monday
Members and friends of the Carlton Football Club held a concert and plain dress ball at the Orderly Room Grattan Street at 8pm
Carlton won the 1875 Premiership.This season the Blues lost their first match in 3 years. (July 17 vs Melbourne)
Played 17; Won 12, Lost 1, Drawn 4. Goals For 36, Against 5
Goals; Dedman 13, McGill 7, Nudd 6, Newing 5, Lacey 2, Dalton, Blanshard, Wallace.
Best; Guy, Lacey, Newing, McGill, Wallace, Kendall, Nudd, Williamson, J. Robertson, Gardiner, Macgibbon, A. Kennedy, G. Robertson, Blanchard, Dalton, A. Amess, Dedman.
Carlton Reserves/Seconds/Second Twenty.
Finished fourth, equal with St.Kilda.
Carlton Imperial won the 1875 premiership, second Albert Park, North Melbourne, St. Kilda and Carlton, Melbourne, East Melbourne.
Carlton Second Twenty
Played 11; Won 3, Lost 7, Drawn 1. Goals For 11. Against 15.
Goals; Brookes 3, Muir, W. Williams, G. Kennedy, Vale, Deeley, Walters, Lamond, Amess.
Best; G. Kennedy (the renown of old, acting as coach), R. Amess, F. Power, Knowles, Toohey, Vale, and F. Williams.
Home Ground - The Footballer 1875
"The lack of proper grounds set apart and enclosed, is a fertile source of complaint, and one of the greatest disadvantages under which the game labors. Bowling has its roods, cricket its acres, and racing its hundreds of acres, but football has not an inch of land it can call its own, with the exception of the Melbourne ground, and that held by a very insecure tender. This is from no want of importunity and memorialising - one club in particular, the Carlton, having almost moved heaven and earth for permission to merely to put posts in, with moveable chain or rope not interfering in any way with the traffic, but all to no purpose; the hearts of trustees are like nether mill-stone."October 16
The Age;
"A concert, to be followed by a plain dress ball, will he held in the Carlton Orderly Room, Grattan-street, on Monday evening next, under the auspices of the members of the Carlton Football Club and their friends, on which occasion the Second Twenty Challenge Cup will be presented to the winners by the president of the club."This seems at odds with the above information that the Carlton Second Twenty finished fourth. Perhaps the Challenge Cup was a separate competition.
October 28 Thursday
"The Footballer, 1875" complied by Thomas P. Power, hon. sec, to the Carlton Football Club, published by Henriques & Co.(Bendigo Advertiser p2)
An article published in the Mercury newspaper in Hobart on July 6 1876, mentions "The Footballer" journal, and of the 1875 season;
"In it is given a list of ninety-two clubs in Melbourne and country districts, with terms of subscription and various secretaries' names and addresses; and it may be mentioned, en passant, that all these clubs have their distinctive uniforms and regular Saturday "fixtures."
There are many other principally local, not particularised in the publication, bringing up the number to 138 clubs, and averaging a total of 4,000 playing members.
So strong a hold has football taken upon the public of Melbourne, that on special occasions, such as the Melbourne vs Carlton matches, nearly 10,000 persons have assembled to witness the contest, each well placed kick being greeted with ringing cheers and cries of "Forward, Melbourne!" or "Go it, Carlton!"
The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages, 32, 33,34,35,259.
Mullin's Footballer Australian Almanac for 1951. Page 66.
The History of the Carlton Football Club. B. Hansen. Pages 29.30.
The Footballer 1875.
Football-The Australian Game.
The Argus 1875 editions.
The Australasian 1875 editions.
The Mercury 1876.
The Age, 1875 editions.
Melbourne Punch.
The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil, 1875 editions.
The Footballer, 1875 edition.
The Advocate, 1875 editions.