Season 1881


Carlton Captain. G. Robertson.
Vice Captain. William Goer.
Second Twenty Captain. Jack Spear
President. R. Robertson.
Secretary. T. H. Chuck.
Home Ground. Princes Oval.
Games played. 24. Won 18, Lost. 3, Drew 3.
Goals Scored. 107 for. 33 against.
Club goal kicker. Eddy M. Brookes 30 goals

In 2012 Blueseum was fortunate to have been contacted by George Bragge's descendants, and we were provided with a copy of this same image, but this photo had the players' names marked!
Back Row: From Left, two men in suits*, F. Haslett, B. Goldstein,
Players (22): Wally Robertson, James Robertson, P. Hughes, R. Frayne, W. Goer (Vice Captain), George Robertson (Captain), George Coulthard, H. O'Donnell, Frank Conway, James Rickards, George Bragge, Jack Bailey, & former Carlton captain Jack Donovan (Manager).
Front Row: M. A. Coventry (lying down), Charlie Donovan, Eddy M. Brookes, George Smith, H. F. Crawford, Fred W. 'Paddy' Gunn, Fred McIntosh (sitting), Edward Coventry, Harry Wilson (lying down), John Rickards.

.*A newspaper report of Carlton's arrival said that friends J. Walker and W. Haslett travelled with the team, as well as J. Watson, and Barley.
The S.S. Victorian's shipping manifest mentions passengers C. A. Walker, Haslett and Goldstein.
Gentleman at far rear, unknown. Could be Arthur J. Diamond a founder of Norwood & a member of the S.A.F.A. He had a hand in organising the tour.
Team photos of the trip show a mixture of uniforms from lace up jackets with chamois shoulders, to plain dark blue collarless jumpers.
Players wore blue and white hooped socks and a blue cap.

1881 Ladder

PosTeamPlayedWinsLossesDrawsGoals For Goals Against
1South Melbourne211443--
6East Melbourne2061042755

If anyone has the missing Goals For/Against details, please contact Blueseum.

OpponentPlayedWonLostDrawnGoals ForGoals Against
South Melbourne210143
East Melbourne2200141
South Park (SA)110062
Port Adelaide1100130
Victorians (SA)110030
North East District1100101
Carlton Juniors (23)110010
Southern (23)1100112
Hotham United (23)110021
Northcote (23)110030


Carlton captain George Robertson

1881 Carlton teams published in The Argus newspaper.
Some details are missing, if anyone has them please contact Blueseum.

1881 Melbourne Cricket Ground, the goals which previously ran east-west were changed to run north-south.

March 04
The South Australian Advertiser reported;
"Mr. A. J. Diamond wrote stating that the Carlton Football Club, Melbourne, had decided to send a team to Adelaide in June next, and to place the arrangements of the matches in his hands.
The members of the team would pay all travelling and other expenses, and take the gate money*.
On receipt of favourable replies from the clubs interested the association's approval and patronage would be sought.
The programme was;
South Park, June 11; Ports 15th, Victorians 18th, Norwoods 20th, all to be played on the Adelaide Oval."
(*Carlton would donate £100 to local charities, see June 21)

March 14 Monday


The Age (p3) published Melbourne's fixture. Interestingly this included Melbourne First Twenty, Second Twenty and Third Twenties.
Third Twenty played;
Richmond Alberts, Battery United, Plowett (seconds), South Richmond, Fitzroy Juniors, Southern (seconds), Victoria (seconds), Heidelberg, Stanley, East Brunswick and Prince Imperial.

April 01
At their AGM, The Burra Football Club (South Australia) intends to play Carlton during their tour of Adelaide. There are no details of this match taking place.


April 01
Carlton held their annual general meeting at the Clyde Hotel, Carlton at 8pm.
So far no report of the AGM has been located.
Carlton's postal address was c/o Boyle and Scott (sporting outfitters) 41 Bourke Street Melbourne.

April 07
Age (p1)

April 23


The Australasian's Peter Pindar talking about the coming season says,
"I am glad to see two matches between Carlton and Hotham on the programme for the coming season, as it indicates that the long standing feud between these two clubs has come to an end; the pity is that it ever existed.
However, it is over, and it is to be hoped in the time to come that no discordant element will ever again arise to mar the current of peace and harmony between the notable northern neighbours."

April 23
Carlton First Twenty played the Next 25 at Prince's Oval.
Players chosen from; (54 named)
Ashton, Anderson, Barass, Bragge, Brooks, Browning, Burrows, Coulthard, Coventry, Coventry, Conway, Dedman, C. Donovan, Donaldson, Donaldson, Ford, Frayne, Goer, Gunn, Hughes, W. Henry, A. Jones, Knowles, Maloney, Melville, Miller, Murphy, Murphy, McIntosh, McIvor, McMichael, McIntee, C. Nudd, M. Nash, H. O'Donnell, O'Grady, O'Neil, Page, Rickards, Rickards, Reilly, Robertson, Robertson, Robertson, G. Smith, Samson, Spear, Spear, Sutherland, Slattery, Samuels, Thornhill, J. Ferry, H. Wilson. (Herald p2)
Probably the complete Carlton list.


The club wrote to the players inviting them to training;
"I am directed by the committee of the above club to express the hope that they may see you at the oval on Saturday afternoon, 22nd April, for a scratch match - sides to be chosen by the president and the vice president. In the interests of the old club they trust that you will use every endeavour to bring the "dark blues" once more to the front, and they feel sure it needs only this intimation to remind you that no time should be lost in getting into form. The committee are sanguine of success if the players at once resort to systematic practice, with a thorough determination to go through the season unconquered. To attain this result they know that much self denial on your part is necessary, but they have every confidence of there being a willing and cheerful compliance with their request, that one and all set to work in earnest without delay.
Practice days. - Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 4pm till dusk."

"I am instructed by the committee of the above club to impress on you the advantage of training, actuated as we all are by a desire to see the prestige of the old club maintained, I am sure you will agree with me that individually and collectively we should leave nothing undone to further that object. In any game requiring agility and strength it is desirable to have such preparation as will enable one to compete without feeling ill effects from it. To that end moderation in diet, drinking, smoking, and early hours are most essential. By the observance of these simple rules you will fell the proud consciousness of having contributed by a little self-denial to place the club in the front rank of 1881. Other senior clubs are straining every nerve to secure the premiership, so it behoves us to leave no stone unturned that can conduce to our supremacy. I trust that you will not make this an irksome duty, but a pleasure."
(Excerpts from a book written about the Carlton Football Club in 1881, printed in The Argus September 26 1924 p5)
Blueseum notes that the date Saturday 22nd April could be a misprint or is actually 1882.
If anyone knows the whereabouts of this book please contact the club or Blueseum.
See June 07 for further information and a link to The Argus article.

April 30


A general meeting of the West Melbourne Football Club was held on Wednesday and has decided to disband for the coming season. Several of their better players will go to the Carlton and Melbourne clubs.
Their second twenty club will continue as a junior club.
(The Weekly Times p20)

April 30


The Leader (p13) writing about the coming season, says this about Carlton's home ground;
"It is hoped that some arrangement will be come to ere long so as to enclose the Oval and make a charge for admission, thus allowing the club to be in a position to give their patrons an opportunity of watching the play with some sort of comfort. The latter luxury is entirely absent from the Oval at present."

April 30


The Australasian lists some arrivals and departures for the Blues.
"O'Neil, and another who shall be nameless from Hotham.
McIntosh from Essendon.
Conway from West Melbourne.
Coventry and Ashton from Southern.
McIvor from Royal Park.
McMichael and Barrass have retired, and perhaps Gunn, unless he alters his mind;
and Goer if the proposed team to go home, but not unless."
(There was a private proposal to send a team to England, made up of players from Vic and NSW, to play rugby.
At a meeting of the Melbourne senior clubs on Tuesday April 26, the clubs voted not to have anything to do with the tour.)
McIvor from Southern
Bailey from Hotham


The Melbourne Football Club were to tour Sydney and play matches against the Wallaroo and University clubs at both Rugby and Australian Football.
The Rugby Football Union has banned these two local clubs from playing Australian Football against Melbourne.
The Australasian says;
"Fancy the Victorian Football Association telling the Carlton or Melbourne they must not play the Rugby game with the Wallaroo or Canterbury!
I can imagine the answer-in language more forcible than polite.
The interference may stop the proposed visit, and this may be regretted, as these meetings are calculated to promote the existence of a more cordial feeling between the players in the sister colonies."


At the 1882 AGM it was mentioned, in season 1881, the Second Twenty had fixtured 12 matches, however, many opposition teams failed to make an appearance.
This season (1881), Carlton won 3, lost none, and drew 3.
Hotham were absent twice, Southern, South Melbourne, Hawthorn, and Victory all missed 1 game each. (6 games in total)

April 30
Carlton played a Star of Carlton (23) side at Prince's Oval.
The Australasian said they played the Carlton Juniors (23).
A strong northerly wind kept the play on the southern wing.
Crowd; 1,500
The Leader newspaper in it's preview says
"It is to be hoped that some arrangement will become to are long (?) so as to enclose the Oval and make a charge for admission, thus allowing the club to be in a position to give their patrons an opportunity of watching the play with some sort of comfort. The latter luxury is entirely absent from the Oval at present."
The Blues kicked to the western goal.
The juniors played well, and if their kicking for goal had been on target they may have won, however they failed to score.
The Blues scored several behinds.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Ashton, Bragge, Conway, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, Coulthard, Donovan, Goer, Hales, C. Nudd, O'Donnell, O'Neil, James Rickards, G. Robertson, Smith, F. Spear, McIntosh, McIvor, Maloney, Wilson.
Emergency; Hughes.
Carlton won; (Half time 1 - 0)
Carl. 1.? - Star of Carl. 0.0
Goal; Nudd
Players mentioned; (12) Rickards, Nudd, Goer, Wilson, Conway, O'Neill, Robertson, Coulthard, Coventry, Smith, Bailey, McIntosh,

May 07


The Age reported that Melbourne's population was 280,000
An increase of 100,000 in the last decade.
Melbourne was the second largest city in the British Empire outside of London. (skwirk online education)

May 07
The Australasian reports that three players from South Melbourne are crossing to the Melbourne club.
Two of South's vacant positions maybe be filled by Carlton's Frayne and Barrass.
The proposed tour of England is now cancelled.
The Melbourne clubs refused to have anything to do with the tour, as the promoters were hoping to raise most of the funds for the Rugby tour from the gate takings of Australian Football matches in Melbourne.

May 07
Carlton played the Southern Football Club (23) at Prince's Oval.
Princes Oval was in excellent condition.
Crowd; 800
A strong northerly wind blowing across the ground favoured neither side.
Carlton kicked-off to the western goal.
Threatening weather kept the crowd away.
Brooks kicked the first goal after 5 minutes of play, four more goals then quickly followed by McIntosh, Coulthard, Goer and Donovan. Southern replied with a goal, then Carlton's sixth by Wilson was brought up just before half time. The juniors scored their second goal early after the break, then the Blues continued their domination of the rest of the match with goals to Donovan, Goer, O'Donnell (2), and Brooks scored the Blues' eleventh and final goal.
"The Carlton greatly improved in their play from the previous Saturday against the Star of Carlton. Their excellent performance of 11 goals to 2 against the Southern (23) tends to show that they will be a team of no mean order. Their new men showed wonderfully good form, and they have every prospect of a successfull season; but junior matches are not at all a fair test to go by. Goer seems to be the player of yore. He did what he liked last Saturday, playing ninepins with his opponents. He shone as a forward player as may be gathered from the fact that he obtained two goals, a most unusual occurrence for a player of his calibre, as he generally plays back. The most ardent supporters and admirers of Carlton prophesy the supremacy of the dark blues, and their first match against South Melbourne on the 28th inst. is the greatest topic of interest at present in football circles." (Herald May13 p3)
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Brooks, Bailey, Conway, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, Coulthard, Donovan, Goer, Frayne, Furneaux, Maloney, E. Murphy, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, James Rickards, G. Robertson (Capt.), F. Spear, Smith, Wilson.
Emergencies; McIvor, Ashton.
Carlton won 11.18 - 2.0 (Half time 6.9 - 1.0)
Goals; Brooks 2, Goer 2, O'Donnell 2, Donovan 2, Coulthard, Wilson, McIntosh.
Best; Coulthard, Frayne, Wilson, Goer, Maloney, G. Robertson.
New recruits O'Neil, Furneaux, Bailey, and McIntosh played well.
Players mentioned; (15) George Robertson, Coulthard, Brooks, McIntosh, Goer, McIvor, Wilson, Donovan, Frayne, O'Neil, O'Donnell, Bailey, Maloney, Furneaux, Coventry.

Carlton Reserves played Victory at Royal Park.

May 14
Carlton played Hotham United (23) on Prince's Oval.
A perfect day for football with a light northerly breeze, the Oval was in perfect condition.
The Blues kicked off to the cemetery end goal.
At times the play was unnecessarily rough.
Carlton completely out played the juniors in all departments, except one, the goal kicking was deplorable.
"... shots near, shots far, shots straight, shots at angles, all shared the same fate, and it is doubtful if the proverbial haystack would have been of any avail to them." (Australasian May 21)
This match was marred by the Hotham United team walking from the field.
The ball was thrown in from the boundary by the field umpire, Wilson caught the ball before it touched the ground. While the United players were squabbling about the matter, Wilson passed the ball to Goer who ran it almost up to the goals and kicked a goal.
The visitors protested at the goal being given, then walked off and the game was terminated.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Brooks, Bailey, Conway, Edward Coventry, Coulthard (Capt.), Donovan, Goer, Frayne, Furneaux, Maloney, E. Murphy, McIntosh, McIvor, O'Donnell, O'Neil, James Rickards, G. Robertson, F. Spear, Smith, Wilson.
Umpire; Former Carlton captain, Jack Gardiner, M.L.A.
Carlton won 2.20 - Hotham United 1.0 (Half time Carl. 1.8 - 0.0)
Goals; Brooks, Goer.
Best; Coulthard, Frayne, Wilson, Smith and Maloney.
Recruits; Conway, McIntosh, Bailey and O'Neil played well.
Players mentioned; (11) Coulthard, Brooks, McIntosh, Wilson, Goer, Frayne, Conway, Bailey, O'Neil, Smith, Maloney.

Carlton Second Twenty played Southern on Fawkner Park.
A fair number of spectators attended the match which started at about 3.30pm.
Umpire E. Kaye
Carlton won; 1.4 - 0.5
Goal: Hughes
Best; Spear, Donaldson, Melville, Martin, Robinson

May 16 Monday


The Argus reporting on the dinner for the Victorian crew in the Intercolonial Boat Race. The newspaper mentions during speeches, the VFA was congratulated in promising to give the Rowing Association a benefit during the season.
Mr. Hughes responded; he believed that two gentlemen present, Messrs. R. M. Smith, and J. C. Tyler were the first to introduce the game of football in Victoria; they were members of the old South Yarra club.

May 21
The Leader;
"The Football Association have not yet made any arrangements for the umpiring of the principal games of the season.
The masterly inactivity of the association is admirable."

May 21
Carlton played East Melbourne at Prince's Oval.
A beautiful day, a large crowd and ground in good condition.
Crowd; 2,000.
The Blues showed their supremacy in all key departments, running, kicking and marking.
"From the form shown by Carlton, it is evident that this season they still retain their ancient prestige." (Leader May 28)
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Brooks, Bailey, Bragge, Conway, A. Coventry, E. Coventry, Coulthard, Donovan, Goer, Frayne, Maloney, E. Murphy, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, James Rickards, G. Robertson, Spear, Smith, Wilson.
Emergency; McIvor.
Umpire; Furneaux.
Carlton won 8.23 - East Melbourne 0.1 (Half time Carl. 4.13 - E. Melb. 0.0)
Goals; Wilson 2, Rickards 2, Coulthard, Conway, Donovan, O'Neil.
Best; Coulthard, Wilson, Bailey, Conway, Donovan, McIntosh, Rickards, O'Neil.
Other players mentioned; Brooks, Goer, Coventry (wing), Robertson

Carlton Reserves played East Melbourne at East Melbourne.

May 23 Monday
The Carlton team met at Spencer Street railway station at 4.30pm for Benalla.

May 24 Tuesday Queen's Birthday holiday.
Carlton played North Eastern District (23) at the Benalla Recreation Reserve.
The largest crowd seen for a sporting event in the district.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Brooks, Bailey, Bragge, Conway, Coventry, Coulthard, Donovan, Frayne, Furneaux, Goer, Maloney, McIntosh, McIvor, O'Donnell, O'Neill, G. Robertson (capt.), James Robertson, Rickards, Smith, Wilson.
Umpire; L. Brian (Carlton)
Carlton won; 10.18 - 1.2
Goals; Coulthard 2, Goer 2, Brooks 2, Wilson, O'Donnell, O'Neill, McIntosh.
Players mentioned; G. Robertson, Coulthard, Goer, Wilson, Brooks, O'Donnell, O'Neill, McIntosh.

Carlton Second Twenty may have played Colac.
It was reported in 1882 at the Colac AGM that in 1881, Colac 1.15 drew with Carlton 1.2
(At the meeting they said they had planned to again play Carlton on May 24, 1882.)

May 28
Carlton played South Melbourne at the East Melbourne Cricket Ground.
A fine day and the ground and stands were packed.
"Shortly after 1 o'clock a steady stream of pedestrians set in up Flinders street, evidently wending their way to the convincing ground at East Melbourne, where Carlton and South Melbourne intended struggling for the mastery." (Weekly Times June 04 p5)
There was not an inch of wasted space at the little Jolimont oval.
Goer did not play as he suffered an injury at Benalla on Tuesday.
Crowd 12,000.
The Blues entered the field just after 3pm. to rousing applause by their supporters.
Carlton lost the toss and Blues' skipper Robertson kicked off to the southern end.
The crowd anticipated a strong showing from the two top teams and they weren't let down with a fast game played by the blue and whites and the red and whites.
"Wilson, of Carlton, played his old game of former seasons. His determination and good temper, combined with activity and good kicking, are qualities which will always make him a formidable antagonist. I like his game, and Carlton has not had a more serviceable in its ranks than Wilson." (Weekly Times June 04 p5)
A real struggle for the Blues, it took them well into the second half before they drew level.
Goer and Nudd did not play, Gunn and Donovan were the replacements.
Carlton team; (20 named + emerg)
Brooks, Bailey, Bragge, Conway, Alick Coventry, Coulthard, Goer, Frayne, Maloney, B. Murphy, McIntosh, C. Nudd, O'Donnell, O'Neil, James Rickards, John Rickards, G. Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; Donovan, Mooney.
Umpire; A. McMichael.
Match drawn; Carlton 1.9 - South Melbourne 1.13 (Half time Carl. 0.5 - 1.6)
Goal; Bailey.
Best; Robertson, Gunn, Bailey, Frayne, McIntosh, O'Neil, Rickards.
Players mentioned; (18) G. Robertson, Wilson, Coulthard, Gunn, McIntosh, Frayne, Bailey, Spear, Brooks, Coventry, O'Neil, Conway, Bragge, James Rickards, John Rickards, Donovan, Murphy, Maloney .

Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played South Melbourne Reserves at South Melbourne.


June 01
The Carlton Football Club had its office at sporting outfitters Boyle and Scotts at 41 Bourke Street.
Harry F. Boyle was a former Carlton footballer and Test cricketer. (Test player No.17)
It is unknown when the Club first used this address, however, a letter from the Club to player Edward Coventry was dated June 01.
This letter can be viewed further down this page or on Coventry's bio page.
142 years later in 2023, 41 Bourke Street is now occupied by the Spleen Bar, a comedy entertainment venue.

June 04
Carlton played Melbourne at the M.C.G.
The team met at Dillon's Hotel at 2pm.
Threatening weather, with rain throughout and with little wind.
Crowd; 12,000 plus.
Admission 6d (5c), grandstand 1s (10c) extra
Robertson won the toss and Carlton kicked to the western end with the aid of a slight breeze.
A down pour occurred at half time. Melbourne resumed their places, but Carlton delayed their entry for 20 minutes and incurred the wrath of the crowd.
Being dry while the Melbourne players were soaked to the skin, did not help, as the Metropolitans out scored the Blues by two goals in the second half.
Frayne received an injury to his eye and well as having his jaw broken. (?) The Blues played the second half with 19 men. However, Frayne was well enough to go on the Adelaide tour three days later.
Carlton team; (20 named + emerg)
Brooks, Bailey, Bragge, Conway, Edward Coventry, Coulthard, Goer (Vice Capt. ), Frayne, Maloney, Mooney, E. Murphy, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, James Rickards, John Rickards, G. Robertson (Capt.), Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; A. Coventry.
Umpire; James Slight.
Carlton lost; 2.8 - Melbourne 4.2 (Half time Carl. 2.6 - Melb. 2.3)
Goals; Gunn (Conway was named in another report), Brooks.
Best; Wilson (BOG), Frayne, Gunn, Coulthard, Robertson, Rickards.
Players mentioned; (11) Robertson, Wilson, James Rickards, Coulthard, Gunn, Frayne, O'Neil, Conway, Brooks, Bailey, Smith.

The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil, June 18, says of the last two matches;
"No out door sight save that of a great race attracts larger assemblages of Melbourne people than a big football match.
If the match is one that the Carlton club takes part, this, owing to the known prowess of that club, is sure to prove an additional attraction. And thus it is that, after 10,000 people had on Saturday afternoon, May 28, witnessed Carlton play South Melbourne, an ever greater number assembled on the following Saturday to see Carlton play against Melbourne. There are many causes to make these matches so attractive to the public.
There is the strong interest of Australians in athletic games, their proximity to town, the inexpensive character of the amusement, and the circumstances that matches almost always take place on Saturday afternoons. The result of all this that the announcement of a match between two crack clubs is always pretty sure to draw together over 10,000 persons, among whom both sexes are almost equally represented, to witness the sport."

June 06 Monday


"It is stated that members of the Carlton Football Club are greatly dissatisfied at the way in which they were treated on Saturday on the Melbourne Club's, ground on the occasion of the match between the Melbourne and Carlton clubs. It is represented that from "time immemorial" all the members of the club engaged in a match on the ground of another club have been admitted free to the pavilion, and it is complained that on Saturday members of the Carlton Club were not admitted without payment. It is not clear what has been the rule or practice of the Melbourne Club heretofore on such occasions, but, whatever it may have been the Carlton men are said to think that it ought to be the same as that of other clubs." (Herald p2)


June 07


The Carlton team left for Adelaide from Sandridge (Port Melbourne) on the steamer "The Victorian" at 2pm.
The Blues met at Boyle & Scotts at 12.30pm prior to departure.
The touring party; (22 named)
E. Brooks, Jack Bailey, George Bragge, Frank Conway, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, G. Coulthard, H. Crawford, C. Donovan, R. Frayne, W. Goer (Vice Capt), F. W. Gunn, P. Hughes, F. McIntosh, H. O'Donnell, James Rickards, John Rickards, G. Robertson (Capt), James Robertson, Wally Robertson, G. Smith, H. Wilson.
J. Donovan manager.
Friends or players? J. Walker and W. Haslett travelled with them.


A writer to The Argus in 1924 refers to a book written about the Carlton club in 1881.
He mentions that the same troubles meet committeemen then and now.
He briefly talks about the problem players have with loss of wages on tour, and travel expenses, which was then in 1881, against the Association's strictly amateur policy.
An unnamed Carlton player approached the club over travelling expenses for this Adelaide tour.
He received a courteous reply which was published some forty years later.
"Your letter desiring an allowance of 5s (50c) per Saturday when playing, and giving reason for same, was duly considered by the committee last night.
In reply I am instructed to inform you that while greatly regretting the loss of your valuable services they are unable to entertain the matter, as it would be a very undesirable precedent to establish."
"I laid before the committee your wish to receive wages while with the team in Adelaide (explaining the reason). In reply I am instructed to inform you that they regret their inability to comply with such request.
I trust that you will see your way clear to go."
To read The Argus article from September 26 1924 p5 called EARLY DAYS AT CARLTON, click here> http://nla/gov.au/nla.news-article2040212

If anyone has a copy, or knows of this 1881 book on the Carlton Football Club, please contact the Blueseum.

June 09 Thursday
The team arrived at 11.30am after a very rough passage, and the Carlton players were taken to the Port Adelaide Town Hall where the Mayor, H. W. Thompson, J. P. received them.


The Port Adelaide News writes about Carlton's rough crossing.
To read click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article195865622

June 10 Friday
Carlton were welcomed to Adelaide by the Mayor at the Town Hall.
Mr. Robertson (Carlton captain) responed to the toasts expressing the hope of good fellowship would exist between the contending teams.
"The team made a flying inspection of the institute, museum, art gallery, and proceeded to town by the 1 o'clock train. Two drags were waiting at the station, and the visitors were driven around North and South Adelaide."

June 11
Carlton played South Park on the Adelaide Oval.
South park were strengthened by including the best players from the Adelaide and Kensington Club. The locals played well in the first half, but in the second they were completly overmatched.
The Burra Record; "They might learn a lesson from the Carlton's play, in passing the ball quickly on instead of waiting when they get a mark, and also in the art of shepherding."
The reports mentioned how fast the Carlton team were, and that they didn't appear to tire.
G. Robertson (Capt) lost the toss and kicked off at 2.30pm to the northern goal.
Crowd; 3,000.
Fairly even first half, then the Blues got on top.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Jack Bailey, George Bragge, E. Brooks, Frank Conway, G. Coulthard, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, C. Donovan, R. Frayne, W. Goer (Vice Capt), F. W. Gunn, F. McIntosh, H. O'Donnell, Jas. Rickards, Jno. Rickards, G. Robertson (Capt), James Robertson, Wally Robertson, G. Smith, H. Wilson.
Umpire; W. Slight
Carlton won; 6.9 - 2.8 (Half time Carl. 2.3 - South Park 1.6)
Goals; Goer 2, Coulthard 2, Brooks, O'Donnell.
H. Wilson, a splendid follower, Edward Coventry and Alick Coventry wingers, Crawford centre, Rickards forward, Gunn and Conway half forward flankers, Smith and James Robertson backs, McIntosh and G. Robertson followers, Coulthard not at his best, but very fast and kicked two excellent goals.
Players mentioned; (17) G. Robertson, Alick Coventry, Coulthard, Goer, H. Wilson (BOG), Donovan, Gunn, Brooks, Rickards, O'Donnell, Conway, Bailey, James Robertson, McIntosh, Smith, Crawford, E. Coventry.

Carlton Reserves played Yarra Park at Prince's Oval.

June 12 Sunday
The South Australian Football Association organised an outing for the Carlton team and friends. They were driven in two large coaches to the Eagle-on-the-Hill.
Most of the team visited the nearby waterfall and were struck with the beauty of the surrounding countryside. They headed back to Adelaide at 5pm, arriving at around 6pm.

June 13 Monday
Classified advertisement in the South Australian Register.
Admission. 1s, Reserve 2s
Vehicles, 1s extra
Gates open at 2pm; Play to commence at 2.30pm.
The Profits of this series of Matches will be handed to various local charities.

June 15 Wednesday
Carlton played Port Adelaide on Adelaide Oval.
The weather was cold and showery and a very small crowd attended.
Port won the toss and kicked with the wind.
The Magentas were completely overwhelmed by the Blues and the game was one sided from first to last. Port tended to play the man instead of the ball.
Umpire; W. Slight
Carlton won; 13.17 - 0.3 (Half time 6.6 - 0.1)
Goals; Donovan 3, Brooks 3, J. Rickards 2, Bailey, McIntosh, Wilson, Goer, Conway.
Players mentioned; (16) Brooks, Donovan, Gunn, Bailey, McIntosh, Wilson, Goer, G. Robertson, Coulthard, O'Donnell, Smith, Crawford, Coventry, J. Rickards, Conway, Robertson (the younger).

June 18
Carlton played Victorians (a local South Australian team) on the Adelaide Oval.
(The Victorians in 1883 would become the North Adelaide Football Club.)
British royalty Prince Albert aged 17, and his younger brother Prince George (the future King George V) aged 15 attended, along with the Mayor of Adelaide.
The Victorians or "The Vics" colours were orange and black.
"The Vics" won the toss and kicked to the northern end favoured by the wind.
G. Robertson captained the Blues and kicked off at 2.45pm.
R. Frayne played in his first game of the tour.
Crowd; 3,000.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Jack Bailey, E. Brooks, George Bragge, G. Coulthard, H. Crawford, Frank Conway, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, C. Donovan, R. Frayne, Goer (Vice captain), Fred W. 'Paddy' Gunn, F. McIntosh, H. O'Donnell, G. Robertson (Captain), James Robertson, James Rickards, John Rickards, G. Smith, H. Wilson.
Umpire; W. Slight
Carlton won; 3.12 - 0.5 (Half time Carl. 1.1 - 0.4)
Goals; Coulthard, Brooks, Bailey
Behinds; Goer 4, Gunn 2, Conway, Coulthard, Coventry, Robertson, Rickards, Wilson.
Players mentioned, (16) G. Robertson, Crawford, Bragge, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, Conway, Brooks, Wilson, Coulthard, Frayne, Goer, Donovan, Bailey, McIntosh, Gunn, Rickards.

Carlton Reserves played Southern Football Club at Prince's Oval.

June 18
Carlton president Robert Robertson was in Sydney and attended the Sydney v East Sydney match

June 20 Monday
Carlton played Norwood on the Adelaide Oval.
Former Blues champion, A. E. "Topsy" Waldron captained the red and blues of Norwood.
Norwood, the S.A. premier team, would be fielding their strongest team.
G. Robertson won the toss and kicked to the southern goal.
Crowd; at least 4,000.
Weather showery making the ground slippery. However the match, by both teams, was very fast.
"The Carlton performance on this occasion must be stamped as the best we have seen since they landed; and taking into consideration the fact of their having played a hard match on Saturday last, it proved that they have great stamina, which they could never have attained except by careful training.
The turn of speed they exhibited over the heavy ground excited the admiration of all present."
Carlton team; (22 named)
Jack Bailey, George Bragge, E. Brooks, Frank Conway, H. Crawford, G. Coulthard, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, C. Donovan, R. Frayne, W. Goer (Vice captain), Fred W. 'Paddy' Gunn, P. Hughes, F. McIntosh, H. O'Donnell, James Rickards, John Rickards, G. Robertson (Captain), James Robertson, Wally Robertson, G. Smith, H. Wilson.
Umpire; W. Slight
Carlton won; 3.12 - 1.5 (Half time 2.5 - 0.2)
Goals; Brooks 2, McIntosh.
Players mentioned; (18) Goer, G. Robertson, Wilson, Brooks, Donovan, Gunn, Frayne, Coulthard, J. Rickard, McIntosh, Coventry, Bailey, Alick Coventry, Crawford, Conway, O'Donnell, Bragge, Smith.

June 21 Monday
The Adelaide Football Association entertained the Carlton team at the Parisien Restaurant, Rundle Street.
Carlton captain G. Robertson and team manager J. Donovan thanked those in attendance for the kindness shown to the Carlton Football Club.
Carlton were toasted as the having the most honourbale record of all the Victorian clubs, and the Blues donated £100 ($200) of their tour takings to local charities.
Carlton Football team "presented Mr. A. J. Diamond with a silver tea and coffee service, in recognition of services on their behalf. The gift was made out of their private funds."
To read the South Australian Register report;
Click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article43167785

June 22 Wednesday
At the VFA meeting,
Rule 4, instead of setting aside special charity days, 5% of all net proceeds of all matches will be handed over to charities.
Rule 6, regarding the umpire being the judge of the weather as being suitable for playing, was altered, and now the captains are the sole judges.
(This will lead to disputes with one side being inflexible, where before the umpire was the mediator.)
Rule 13, an extra prohibition has been added with, "catching the player below the knee," as it was very little better than tripping.
Rule 19, has been altered to include all clubs, junior was well as senior clubs, so that senior clubs, at a pinch, will not be able to include junior players in their team.

June 23 Thursday


The S.S. Victorian carrying the Carlton touring party from Adelaide arrived at Sandridge (Port Melbourne).
"The Carlton Football Club arrived by the S.S. Victorian This morning from Adelaide, and were met at the Queen's Wharf by a large and enthusiastic crowd. The team on arriving were received with cheers for victories and golden opinions they had won while in Adelaide. They were then driven to the rendezvous, Messrs. Boyle and Scott's, and then, at the invitation of the firm, adjourned to the Albion, where the champagne cup was passed in honor of the Carlton upholding the prestige of Victorian Football. Mr. Prevot also called for champagne for the team, and his health was drunk with cheers, when the footballers returned to their several homes greatly delighted with their very successful trip." (Herald p2)

June 25


The Australasian's Peter Pindar had this to say about the art of goal kicking and little marking.

"One would think that the innumerable failure for goals by drop-kicking would be sufficient to deter players from continuing it's practice in this direction; but no, they steadily persevere in it, and just as steadily fail in their object.
Drop-kicking is, no doubt, one of the finest things of the game, not on the score of accuracy, no, but account of the ease and speed of with which it can be done and the distance possible to be covered.
Punting is also a desirable accomplishment, especially in followers, as it often helps them out of difficulties, but it is as useless for goal-kicking as can possibly be, the ball from it as being as likely to go off at right angles as straight ahead.
Place kicking, however, is of all others the one best adapted for goal-kicking, as the greatest precision and accuracy can by it be secured.
This is patent to the merest tyro, and why it is so little practiced is a mystery not to be solved. Perhaps this hint may act as a stimulus to the increased practice on the part of goal-sneaks and forwards in this indispensalbe acquirement, and it captains for awhile were to select for these positions none but adepts at place-kicking they would doubtless find their goals very considerably increased in number, and the experts in this attainment likewise."

"My attention has also been directed to what is becoming a serious abuse, our present system of "little marking," which is rapidly assuming the shape of simply passing the ball.
Frequently of late, in the very best matches, have I seen this practice obtain, and it is fast becoming so common that it will take a strong hand to put it down.
No one admires "little marking," pure and simple, more than myself, but when it assumes the guise of merely putting the ball to the toe and throwing them together, it is high time something was done to put down this practice.
An increased vigilance on the part of the field umpire might bear some fruit, but it will take careful and well considered-legislation on the part of the association to effect a radical cure."

June 25
The Leader reporting on Carlton's Adelaide trip said the Blues arrived back on Thursday and had picked a good back player in Crawford who hailed from the Hawthorn club. The paper also reported that George Bragge had decided to stay in Adelaide.

June 25
Carlton played Essendon at Prince's Oval.
Crowd; 2,000
The Blues played their first match after returning from a successful trip to Adelaide.
A fine day, the ground was in good order, and a large crowd watched a some what tired Carlton team.
Essendon were fast, and were unlucky to miss some easy shots at goal.
The "heroes of South Australia" had to work hard for the win.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Brooks, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, Coulthard, Conway, Crawford, Goer, Maloney, E. Murphy, McIntosh, C. Nudd, O'Donnell, O'Neill, Rickards, Rickards, G. Robertson, Spear, Smith, Wilson.
Emergency; C. Donovan.
Carlton won; 2.9 - 0.13 (Half time Carl. 1.4 - 0.4)
Goals; Brooks, Edward Coventry.
Best; Wilson (BOG), Crawford, McIntosh, G. Robertson (capt), Smith, Maloney, Brooks, E. Coventry.
Players mentioned; (14) Frayne, Conway, Donovan, Brooks, Wilson, Coulthard, Robertson, O'Neill, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, Smith, Maloney, Crawford, McIntosh.

Carton Reserves/Second Twenty played Essendon Reserves at Essendon
Carlton team; (20 named + emerg)
Anderson, G. Donaldson, Dorran, Goding, Graham, Hughes, Leach, Melville, McKay, Page, Robertson, Sutherland, Samuels, Spear, Slattery, Thornhill, Terry, Woodburn, Wales, Walsh.
Emergencies; McMillan, Schober.

July 01 Friday
Intercolonial Match.
Victoria played N.S.W. on the M.C.G.
New South Wales wore red and the Victorians in stripes.
At one stage the Vics had 16 players on the ball.
Crowd; 3,000
Carlton players selected in the Twenty, plus two emergencies;
W. Goer, H. Wilson, Conway and Frayne.
Umpire; James Slight
Victoria won; 9.24 - 0.1 (Half time Vic 7.16 - NSW 0.0)
Goals; H. Wilson 3, Goer

July 02
Carlton played the Ballarat Football Club at Prince's Oval.
Crowd; 2,000.
Only 12 Ballarat players turned up, and the 20 was made up of volunteers from among the spectators.
Ballarat won the toss and kicked with the wind.
Carlton kicked off and kept the ball in their forward half for most of the game.
The Blues kept Ballarat out of the game from beginning to end.
Carlton team; (20 named + emerg)
Bailey, Brooks, Conway, Crawford, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, Coulthard, Donovan, Goer, Frayne, Maloney, E. Murphy, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, G. Robertson (Capt.), Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; James Robertson.
Carlton won; 10.18 - 0.1 (Half time 4.? - 0.1)
Goals; Brooks 3, Coulthard 2, O'Neil 2, Wilson, Conway, Smith.
Players mentioned; (13) G. Robertson, Wilson, Coulthard, Brooks, O'Neill, Conway, Smith, Frayne, McIntosh, Crawford, Alick Coventry, Spear, J. Robertson.

July 09
Carlton played Hotham Football Club at East Melbourne Cricket Ground.
This was the first meeting of these two clubs in three years.
Peter Pindar in The Australasian said;
"It is scarcely necessary for me to enter into any long-winded details of the causes that prevented the clubs in the past meeting in friendly strife; suffice it that an amount of personal feeling, borne of local jealousy and fanned by the breath of injudicious partisans, was imported into their earlier meetings, and prevented anything like a pleasant or friendly contest.
Time, however, the healer of all strife as well as all sorrow, has brought about another condition of things; the elements of discord are completely vanished, and nothing now mars the harmony of perfect fellowship between the rivals of the northern suburbs."
The weather was fine, but the turf was slippery after overnight rain.
Crowd; 4,000.
The game got underway, late as usual, at 3.25pm.
The Blues won the toss and kicked with a slight breeze to the northern goal.
The match was played in a pleasant manner, The Age said, "we are glad to see the entente cordiale restored between these clubs."
Carlton team; (20 named + emerg)
Bailey, Brooks, Conway, Crawford, Alick Coventry, Edward Coventry, Coulthard, Donovan, Goer, Frayne, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, J. Rickards, G. Robertson, James Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; J. Melville.
Umpire; Adams.
Carlton won; 3.14 - 0.8 (Half time Carl. 2.7 - 0.6)
Goals; Spear, Coulthard, Conway.
Players mentioned; (19) John Rickards, G. Robertson, James Robertson, McIntosh, Bailey, Spear, Coulthard, O'Neill, Conway, Wilson (BOG), Frayne, Edward Coventry, G. Smith, Brooks, Goer, James Rickards, Donovan, O'Donnell, A. Coventry.

Carlton Reserves played the Vaucluse Football Club at Prince's Oval.

July 16
Carlton played South Melbourne at the M.C.G.
The weather was fine with a slight westerly breeze.
The ground was in excellent condition.
South were the favourites to win the game.
A close game expected with South undefeated, and the Blues having lost only one game.
Crowd; 10,000.
The Blues won the toss and South kicked off at 3.20pm.
Both teams were evenly matched, and both sides worked like well oiled machines.
A most exciting and even game with the goals being alternately scored throughout, until late into the game when Carlton scored what would be the winning goal.
"The most prominent man in the whole game was Wilson of Carlton, whose play aroused such enthusiasm that he was carried off the field, shoulder high, by the crowd at the finish."
The game finished in the failing light.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Brooks, Bailey, Conway, Crawford, Alick Coventry, Coulthard, Donovan, Frayne, Goer (Vice Capt.), McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neill, John Rickards, James Rickards, G. Robertson (Capt.) James Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson, Woodburn.
Emergency; E. Coventry.
Umpire; J. Slight.
Carlton won; 3.6 - 2.7. (Half time Carl. 1.4 - 1.3)
Goals; Wilson, Woodburn, Brooks 1.1, Bailey 0.2, O'Neill 0.1, Conway 0.1, unknown.
Best; Wilson (BOG) J. Rickards, Bailey, Coulthard, Goer, O'Neil.
Players mentioned; (17) G. Robertson, Wilson, O'Neill, John Rickards, James Rickards, Coulthard, James Robertson, Brooks, Smith, Goer, Conway, Spear, Frayne, Bailey, Woodburn, McIntosh, Coventry.

Carlton Reserves played South Melbourne at Prince's Oval.

July 23
Peter Pindar in The Australasian writing about the development of the game in NSW says a club has been started in Maitland, and Kempsey.
Pindar says the captain of the Redfern Rugby Club has told him that there is a very good probability of the club taking up Australian Football next season, and the Balmain club, also, may follow suit.


Also in this morning's Australasian newspaper is a list of games played between Carlton and Melbourne since 1866;
Played 56, Carlton wins 19, Losses 17 Drawn 20, Carlton Goals For 63, Against 48.

July 23
Carlton played Melbourne at the East Melbourne C.G.
The Leader (July 30) said that since they had first played each other in 1866 they had played 56 times, Carlton had won 19, Melbourne 17, drawn 20.
Carlton had scored 63 goals, Melbourne 48.
The team met at Dillon's Royal Oak Hotel at 2pm.
The weather was fine, and the ground was in excellent condition.
A large crowd of 12,000 saw G. Robertson win the toss and the Blues kicked with the wind to the northern goal.
The game commenced at 3.15pm and after 10 minutes of play, a heavy shower swept the ground.
The wind and rain ceased in the second half, but the ground was very heavy.
Coulthard was accidently kicked in the head and required medical treatment, but returned to the field.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Brooks, Conway, Crawford, Alick Coventry, Coulthard, Frayne, Goer (Vice Capt.), Thomas Horan, Hughes, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, James Rickards, G. Robertson (Capt.), James Robertson, Smith, Spear, Woodburn, Wilson.
Umpire; J. Slight
Carlton won; 4.7 - 1.9 (Half time Carl. 2.3 - 1.5)
Goals; John Rickards 2, Woodburn or Wilson, Conway.
Players mentioned; (18) Wilson (BOG), John Rickards, James Rickards, Woodburn, Coulthard, Conway, G. Robertson, Goer, Crawford, Frayne, McIntosh, Coventry, Smith, Horan, James Robertson, Spear, Brooks, O'Donnell.

July 27 Wednesday
The foreman of Princes Park reported that 20 members of the Carlton Football Club forced their way into the park by breaking the lock on the gate. The foreman had offered the players the keys to another gate further up in the park. The players had a dray load full of poles, when asked for the name of the man who broke the lock "the answer was a chorus of yells".
A letter was sent to the Carlton president asking for an explanation.
The reply from the Carlton secretary expressed the extreme regret of the committee, and that the action took place without their knowledge or sanction, and that the lock would be replaced.
The Lands department will take no further action.

July 30
Carlton played Geelong at the East Melbourne C.G.
The turf was in good order and the breeze was blowing from goal to goal.
The Blues won the toss and kicked to the northern end goal, towards the Treasury Gardens.
Crowd; in excess of 15,000.
G. Coulthard played, still suffering the effects from last week's injury.
The Blues played fairly well up until half time.
Four goals (2 each) were kicked in the first twenty-three minutes of play.
Then, when they had the use of the wind, the Blues could hardly get the ball over the centre.
Geelong completely dominated the second half.
Blues' captain G. Robertson had to leave the field near the end of the game due to a knock to the head.
The Age; "To Carlton is believed to be due the credit of having introduced little marking, but after their exhibition on Saturday, it is evident that it is no longer practiced on Princes Oval."
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Brooks, Conway, Crawford, Alick Coventry, Coulthard, Donovan, Goer, Frayne, Horan, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, James Rickards, John Rickards, G. Robertson (Capt.), Robertson, Smith, Spear, Woodburn, Wilson.
Emergency; J. Melville.
Umpire; J. Slight
Carlton lost; 2.7 - 5.17 (Half time Carl. 2.6 - 2.7)
Goals; J. Conway, John Rickards.
Players mentioned; (18) Frayne, Coulthard, Donovan, Goer, Crawford, H. Wilson, James Rickards, Conway, John Rickards, Horan, G. Robertson, O'Donnell, Spear, O'Neil, McIntosh, Alick Coventry, Robertson, Smith.

August 01 Monday
The Victorian team left by the Leura from Queen's Wharf, for Sydney, arriving Wednesday, for the Intercolonial Match.
Tom Power accompanied the team
Carlton representatives; W. Goer, F. Spear, Alick Coventry, and F. McIntosh.
Other clubs represented; Essendon, East Melbourne, Geelong, & Hotham.

August 05 Friday
The Carlton team met at Boyle and Scott's at 3pm sharp, for Maryborough.

August 06
Carlton played Maryborough at Princes Park, Maryborough.
A large crowd was in attendance to watch an interesting game.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Bailey, Barrass, Brooks, Conway, Crawford, Coulthard, Donovan, Hughes, Horan, Maloney, Marshall, Minogue, McIvor, O'Donnell, O'Neil, O'Brien, Rickards, Rickards, J. Robertson, Smith, Woodburn
Carlton won; 4.15 - 3.6.
Goals; Brooks 2, G. Coulthard, John Rickards.

This Maryborough match was recalled in 1937 in the Sunday Times (Perth) August 8 article;

"Footballers Of Other Days"

To read click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article58786671

In 1887 Hotham played Maryborough at the same venue.
The North Melbourne Advertiser had a report of the travel arrangements of the time.
To read click here> http://nla.gov.au./nla.news-article66157162

Carlton Reserves played Melbourne at the Melbourne Football Ground.
No details

August 06
Intercolonial Match.
Victoria played N.S.W. in Sydney at the Association Cricket Ground at 3pm.
Vic. colours; Red, White, and Blue.
N.S.W. colours; Blue guernsey and cap, red stockings.
Crowd; 5,000.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald this was the largest crowd ever, to attended a football match of any kind in Sydney.
22 man squad named.
Carlton players selected;
F. Spear, W. Goer (Vic. vice captain), Alick Coventry, McIntosh
Umpire; Beal
Victoria won; 9.16 - 1.8
Goals; Carter (Ess), Steadman (Gee), A. Coventry (Carl), McIntosh (Carl), Steadman (Gee), A. Coventry (Carl), McIntosh (Carl), Carter (Ess), Carter (Ess).

August 13
Carlton played East Melbourne at Princes Oval.
A fairly large crowd attended.
East Melbourne had first use of the wind, but they were no match for the Blues after the break.
The Weekly Times said one of Coulthard's goals was kicked from more than 60 yards from goal.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Crawford, Coulthard, Coventry, A. Frayne, Goer, Horan, Houston, Minogue, McIntosh, McIvor, O'Donnell, O'Neill, Page, Jas. Robertson, Jno. Rickards, Smith, Spear, Wilson, Woodburn.
Emergency; J. Melville.
Umpire; J. Gardiner.
Carlton won; 6.7 - 1.8. (Half time 1.4 - 1.8)
Goals; Coulthard 3, Woodburn, Bailey, O'Neil.
Best; (8) Coulthard, Woodburn, Bailey, Wilson, Crawford, McIntosh, Conway, O'Neil

August 20
Intercolonial Match.
Victoria playing South Australia at the East Melbourne C.G.
Victoria colours, Red, White and Blue.
South Australia, Red, White and Yellow.
South Australia captained by former Carlton player A.E. Waldron.
Carlton players; W. Goer (Captain of Victoria), G. Coulthard, H. Wilson, R. Frayne, F. Conway.
Umpire; George Robertson.
Victoria won; 8.24 - 1.8 (Half time Vic 5.11 - 1.4)
Goals; Coulthard 2, Wilson.

After the match the South Australians were guests of the Carlton Football Club at the Clyde Hotel Carlton.
75 football members attended.
Carlton president Robert Robertson presided over the evening's entertainment.
Toasts to each team were made, mention of the great hospitality shown to the Carlton Club on it's recent visit to Adelaide was also made, and it was hoped that these trips would continue and increase.
Mr Dick the South Australian's vice captain responded, and thanked Carlton for it's kindness and ensured "a hearty welcome" next time the club was in Adelaide.
Carlton captain George Robertson then responded.
Other toasts were made, and the evening finished late.

Carlton Second Twenty played Essendon Second Twenty at Princes Oval.
Match drawn; 3 - 3

August 24 Wednesday
Second Intercolonial Match at the East Melbourne C.G.
Victoria played South Australia.
Victoria won; 4.13 - 1.5 (Half time Vic 3.8 - 0.0)
Umpire; J. Gibbons.
Carlton representatives, H. Wilson, Frayne, McMichael, Coulthard.
Best; H. Wilson (equal BOG), Coulthard, McMichael.

August 27
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne Football Ground.
Crowd; 15,000
"Members of the Carlton Club will be admitted to the grand stand on production of tickets."(Herald p3)
A small gale was blowing from goal to goal. Melbourne won the toss and kicked with the wind.
Melbourne captain Lamrock went off injured, and the Reds were reduced to playing 19 men 10 minutes after the start.
Carlton were the better team on the day, but inaccuracy cost them, the Blues hit the post 3 times.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Bailey, Brooks, Barrass, Conway, Coulthard, Alick Coventry, Crawford, Frayne, Horan, Houston, Maloney, Minogue, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, G. Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Umpire; P. O'Neill.
Match drawn; Carl. 3.19 - 3.6 (Half time Carl. 0.9 - 2.3)
Goals; G. Coulthard, John Rickards, H. Wilson.
Players mentioned; (14) Wilson (easily B.O.G.) G. Robertson, Maloney, O'Neil, Crawford, Bailey, Conway, Coventry, Smith, Frayne, Brooks, John Rickards, Coulthard, Horan.


September 03
The Leader says the the Sydney Rugby Union team the Waratahs have had a meeting of members and decided to reform and play Australian Football in the NSW Football Association. The Waratahs had played Carlton in both Rugby and Australian Football a few years ago in 1877 and 1878.

September 03
Carlton played Hotham at Princes Oval.
Crowd; 2,000
Carlton were short of players, and volunteers from the crowd were called for.
Former Carlton Captain John Gardiner now a Victorian Member of Parliament, played, however he managed to break his finger soon after the commencement of the game.
Hotham won the toss and kicked with a "small gale" at their backs.
Coulthard against the wind, kicked the first goal, but this was soon answered by Hotham.
Both second half goals first by Newing and then Goer were the results of smart play of dodging and punt kicking.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Barrass, Brooks, Conway, Alick Coventry, Coulthard, Crawford, Frayne, Goer, Horan, Mahoney/Maloney, Minogue, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neill, John Rickards, G. Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; Houston.
Carlton won; 3.10 -1.9. (Half time 1-1 )
Goals; Coulthard, Newing, Goer.
Best; Wilson, Bailey, O'Neill, Maloney, O'Donnell.
Players mentioned; (11) J. Gardiner, G. Coulthard, Goer, Wilson, Bailey, W. Newing, O'Neill, Maloney O'Donnell, Conway, Rickards

Carlton Second Twenty played Collingwood Imperial.

September 06 Tuesday
Carlton Football Club's Annual Concert and Ball at the Orderly Room, Grattan Street, Carlton.
"A capital programme has been arranged, among the singers being Mr. Bonner of the Australian Eleven." (Herald p2)

September 10


"We have had "Bitters" trophies and "Whisky" trophies, many and various in connexion with aquatics, and now they are sought to be introduced into the realm of football, for at the last meeting of the association a letter was received from the agent of an Irish whisky - bidding for popularity - offering a trophy of 50 guineas to be called the "Blank Whisky Trophy," for competition among the senior clubs. It was declined with thanks. I should think so. It may be all very well for professional scullers to earn large stakes in the capacity of advertising mediums, but it is scarcely to be expected that clubs originated simply for the purpose of following a manly sport are to be hired out in the same way. Moreover, football is quite exciting enough without trophies."
(Australasian September 10 p12)

September 10
Carlton played Northcote (23) at Princes Oval.
The Blues lost toss and kicked against the wind to the western goal.
The veterans of the team played well.
After a few minutes after the start, Newing scored the first goal, later Rickards scored number two. Rickards after hitting the post, scored the only goal of the second half.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Bailey, Barrass, Brooks, Conway, Crawford, Coulthard, Frayne, Goer, Horan, Maloney, Minogue, McIntosh, Newing, O'Donnell, O'Neill, Rickards, Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Umpire; F. Power (Melbourne)
Carlton won; 3.4 - 0.1 (Half time Carl. 2 - Northcote 0)
Goals; Rickards 2, Newing.

September 17
One newspaper had Carlton fixtured to play West Melbourne at Princes Oval.
No details, as this match did not go ahead.
The Australasian's end of season list of who the Blues played/won/lost/drawn, does not list West Melbourne.
The Leader (September 17) said Carlton had no match arranged.


The Argus, Saturday 17, said that the Carlton Football Club was holding it's 9th. Annual Sports Day at Princes Oval. at 2pm.
A large number of spectators attended despite the blustery north wind. The crowd encroached onto the field especially during the drop kick contests which delayed some of the events.

Handicappers; T. S. Marshall, J. Gardiner M.L.A., and G. Robertson
Starter; O. T. L. "Lanty " O'Brien
Judges; A. Gillespie and J. Gardiner M.L.A.

"The principal event of the day, the Carlton Football Handicap, of 100, 200, and 300 yards, for members of the first and second twenties, proved a match between John Rickards and C. Donovan, and was ultimately won in good style, by the former, who won the 100 and 200 yards, and was only beaten in the 300 yards at the post, after leading from the start."

Maiden Flat Race (for members who have never won an advertised race)

First heat; 1. A. Coventry, 2. A. Goding, 3. M. Minogue
Second heat; 1. John Rickards, 2. T. Anderson
Final heat; 1. Coventry, 2. John Rickards, 3. T. Anderson

Drop Kick at Football (Second Twenty)

1. C. Nudd 65.5, 2. J. Spear 65.0, 3. J. Terry 63.0 yards.

Drop Kick at Football (first twenty)

1. John Rickards (63 yards), M. Minogue (62 yards), 3. F. Conway (60.5 yards)

"Mr. V. Robertson's trophy for prizetakers in the drop-kick contest, for members of the first and second twenties, was won by C. Nudd, a second twenty player, the distance kicked being 60.5 yards."

Forced Handicap Flat Race (100 yards for committee members)

1. T. S. Marshall (7 yards), 2. T. Bleasdale (scratch), 3. H. Richardson (7 yards)

Carlton Football Club Handicap (for first and second twenties)

300 Yards; 1. C. Donovan (10 yards), 2. John Rickards (20 yards), 3. A. Coventry (11 yards)
200 Yards; 1. John Rickards (13 yards), 2. C. Donovan (7 yards), 3. A. Coventry (7 yards)
100 Yards; 1. John Rickards (8 yards), 2. A. Coventry (3 yards), 3. R. Frayne (2 yards)
The winner, J. Rickards gained 13 points, Donovan coming next with 8 points, whilst Coventry was third with 7 points.

Running with Ball 150 Yards.

1. G. Coulthard, 2. R. Frayne, 3. T. Walshe

Handicap Flat Race, 150 Yards (for first twenty)

1. C. Donovan (2 yards), R. Frayne (scratch), 3. G. Smith (7 yards)
Handicap Flat Race, 150 Yards (for second twenty)
1. T. Anderson (9 yards), 2. W. Robertson (4 yards), 3. T. Walshe

Kicking For Goal (first and second twenties)

40 yards from centre, at an angle of 45 degrees.
1. C. Donovan, 2. John Rickards

Egg and Spoon Race, (75 yards hands tied behind back)

1. J. Spear, 2. M. Slattery

"A tug of war between first and second twenties, which resulted in a victory for the latter, bought the meeting to a close.
An illuminated certificate given by Mr. J. Lewis, to be presented to the competitor obtaining the greatest number of points at the meeting, was won by John Rickards."
(Weekly Times September 24)

September 24
Carlton played Geelong at Geelong.
A 12.30 pm special train left Spencer Street and took the team and 400 supporters to Geelong.
Crowd; 5,500
The game began at 3.30pm.
The Blues appeared lethargic and uncertain in their efforts.
Geelong were aided with a strong southerly gale blowing in the first hour, they had plenty of scoring opportunities and nearly lost the match.
The Blues only managed to get the ball into their half once in the first half. Carlton tried to bottle the game up in the north-west corner before half time.
The Blues should have scored a goal before half time, but for an umpiring error.
Coulthard with a magnificent place kick scored the Blues first goal six minutes after half time.
A goal by E. Brooks in the second half was disallowed by the goal umpire, the Carlton barrackers reckoning that this was a partisan decision.
Carlton team; (20 named, plus emerg.)
Bailey, Barrass, Brooks, Conway, Coventry, Coulthard, Crawford, Frayne, Graham, Goer, Minogue, Moloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, G. Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; James Rickards.
Umpire; F. Millikin
Carlton lost; 3.2 - 4.29 (Half time Carl. 0.0 - Geel. 4.20)
Goals; Coulthard 2, Conway. (The Age says Coulthard 2, Brooks)
Players mentioned; (18) Goer, Robertson, Spear, Wilson, Coulthard, Brooks, Conway Frayne, McIntosh, Smith, James Rickards, Bailey, O'Donnell, Barrass, Gunn, Minogue, O'Neill, Coventry.

October 01
Carlton played Melbourne at Princes Oval.
Crowd; 8,000.
A very hot, dusty day with a strong northerly blowing.
There is no shelter from the elements at Princes Oval and that kept the crowd numbers down.
Melbourne won the toss and elected the Sydney Road end. Carlton's G. Robertson kicked-off to the Cemetery end at 3.20pm.
There was little advantage as the wind was blowing strongly across the ground and the cross wind make scoring goals a pot-luck.
Barrass was late starter, and the crowd cheered loudly when he ran onto the ground.
The Australasian's report said, that if not for the wind, the Blues would have won as they were so dominant on the day.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Barrass, Brooks, Conway, Coventry, Coulthard, Crawford, Frayne, Goer, Maloney, McIntosh, McShane, O'Donnell, O'Neil, Rickards, Rickards, Geo. Robertson (Capt.), G. Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; Graham.
Umpire; R. Hutton.
Match drawn; Carlton 1.9 - Melbourne 1.3 (Half time Carl. 1.4 - Melb. 0.1)
Goal; Bailey
Best; Coulthard, Bailey, Frayne, Coventry, Smith, Wilson.
Players mentioned; (19) G. Robertson, Coulthard, Bailey, Frayne, Conway, Coventry, George Smith, Wilson, McShane, Barrass, Goer, John Rickards, O'Neil, Brooks, Maloney, McIntosh, Gunn. Crawford, Spear.

October 05
Age (p6)

1881 New Grandstand MCG.
Image: ABC News
According to the ABC article (23/9/2023), the visiting English Cricket Team was amazed at this spacious grandstand, that, on return they urged the authorities at Lords to build a similar one and the Lords members pavilion which still stands, was the result.
Note: Looks like this stand has roof top seating. Possibily the orginal MCC pavilion is to the right.


October 08
Former Carlton and Melbourne players played on the Melbourne Football Ground, adjacent to the M.C.G.
This was a charity match to raise money for the Children's Hospital. The photo was taken on the M.C.G. in front of the new grandstand.

There is some doubt whether this photo is from 1881. The reversible grandstand was burnt down in 1884 and this looks like it could be the replacement. Further research is required.
August 2020, after being in touch with Trevor Ruddell at the M.C.C. Library, he informs me that this is the second members stand, and this was built in 1881. However, Trevor believes this photo is from an old players match in 1893.
Most of the players Blueseum has "indentified" here were not named in the '93 team.

Image: Courtesy Brighton Historical Society, also appears in Mark Pennings' Origins of Australian Football Vol.2
This photo of 22 former players, may contain many original Carlton players, however, so far all these players' names are unknown, except for John/Jack Gardiner.
Not having the names is a problem and makes identification guess work. Also the published team squad has not been found. If George Robertson is in this photo, then he was a current player (he retired this year). If this was taken in 1881 then he looks too old, maybe it is not from that year.

Possibly (19 of 22) - Orlando 'Lanty' O'Brien (back row far left) wearing a sailors or his H.M.V. Customs cap?, unknown, A. E. 'Topsy' Waldron (third from left), Fred W. 'Paddy' Gunn (fourth from left), George Robertson (fifth from left), Val. Robertson, (sixth from left, wearing cap), Robert Robertson (seventh from left), unknown, Theophilis S. Marshall back row ninth from left, Thomas Horan, Ben James (portly gentleman standing with arms crossed), Bill Williams (at back, our right of James), Jim Williams?, George F. Bowen standing far right, notice his hat on ground behind his right leg. John Gardiner (sitting with ball), Tom Power (on our left of Gardiner), Billy Dedman far left seated, Harry Guy far right seated ), Charles Nudd or Henry 'Harry' Nudd sitting on the ground far left, front row, notice his large wide brimmed hat on the ground. W. 'Bill' Newing on our right of Nudd, Frank Hillsden, John Macgibbon (front row, sitting on right).
Although it is guesswork, we are "certain" of Lanty O'Brien, Geo. Robertson, Val Robertson, Theo. S. Marshall, Ben James, Geo. F. Bowen, Tom Power, Jack Gardiner, Charles Nudd, and John Macgibbon.
If anyone can help identify any of the players please contact Blueseum

October 11 Tuesday
Carlton Football Club Sports
Presentation Prizes 8pm. Clyde Hotel
Members 1st and 2nd. Twenty invited.
T. H. Chuck, Hon.Sec. (Herald p1)

October 15


"The popularity of the game continues undiminished-I might say, is on the increase-and it is now recognised as the national game of Victoria, no other game being able "to hold a candle to it" in public estimation, attendances of 12,000 and 13,000 having been frequent in first-class matches. And in this connextion I may state it is estimated that over £3,000 have been taken in the shape of gate money in the metropolis alone during the four months the senior matches last, a great part of it going to the cricket clubs, to their unbounded satisfaction and comfort indeed, one of them has netted nearly £700 in this way had the candour to acknowledge that the help obtained from football was really the means of keeping it out of Queer-Street. (financial ruin)
The increased money available among the football clubs also suggested a rash direction of expenditure, to save a general redistribution, or something worse, and this resulted in the idea of the Carlton, Hotham, and Melbourne clubs giving their teams a comfortable trip to Adelaide, Tasmania, and Sydney, which they did, and yet put money in their purses.
A levy of 5 per cent. on the gross takings has also been made by the Football Association for the Hospital Saturday Fund, so that a very handsome amount should be available for the noble cause of charity." (This article was reprinted in The Dundee Courier and Argus, Scotland)
"The cricket clubs concerned were invited to co-operate in the praiseworthy action on behalf of the charities, and now I am glad now to be able to state that the Melbourne, East Melbourne, and South Melbourne have cordially intimated their intention of doing this, so that the 5 per cent. levy will be over the whole of the gross takings from football throughout the season."

"I suppose it will be readily be conceded that the most prominent figure on the football field throughout the past season was Harry Wilson, of Carlton. The embodiment of what a follower should be, always on the ball, and quick to get it and use it, his performances during the season have placed him in the very first rank of Victorian followers, while his proficiency as a goal-kicker is proved to the very respectable number of 10, secured for his club."


Followers; G. Robertson and Conway.
Backmen; Frayne and Coulthard who was also effective as a goal-kicker, being credited with no less than 18, and Goer.
Wingmen; O'Neill.
Forwards; McIntosh and Bailey.
Goal sneaks are headed by Brooks, who has kicked no less than 20 goals.
John Rickards 11, and H. Wilson 10 goals.

"Third on the list comes Carlton, decidedly ahead of those that follow in the point of merit.
The only matches the club lost were two to Geelong and one to Melbourne, the latter more the result of bad fortune than bad play.
Though the club has gone through a very creditable season, it's team, on individual merit, should have achieved greater things, but unfortunately the "play together," so characteristic of it's twenty in years gone by, is not now so manifest, and there is, instead, a fiercer thirst after personal glory.
The players who were specially active on behalf of the club were H. Wilson, G. Robertson, Frayne, Conway, Goer, Coulthard, O'Neil, Bailey, McIntosh, John Rickards, Smith, Coventry, O'Donnell, and Spear.
The large and unprecedented number of goals to credit have been mainly due to the efforts of Brooks, who secured 20; Coulthard, 18; John Rickards, 11; Wilson, 10; Goer, 9; Conway, 7; O'Neill and Bailey, 5 each; and O'Donnell and McIntosh, 4 each."

October 15
Although this item is not Carlton related, The South Australian Advertiser in a review of the South Australian 1881 season had this to say on the Adelaide and Kensington football clubs.
"The amalgamation of the Adelaides with the Kensingtons led people to hope for a strong twenty, but so miserable a show did they make in their first four matches that the club resigned from the association.
The extinction of the club so soon after the combination was due entirely to the sluggish spirit of it's members, which rendered it difficult to raise even a solitary twenty to do battle.
However, it is a good lesson to clubs that if they wish to be successful they must not let races, lawn tennis, and garden parties be the ruling passion of a large portion of their members."

November 08


"MELBOURNE football clubs collected in gate money during the past season the enormous sum of £3,000, which, at sixpence a head, the rate charged, means that 120,000 people paid to see football on Saturday afternoons. One can understand how Mr. John Gardiner, the Captain of the Carlton Club, was twice elected an M.L.A., the first time beating the teetotal champion, Mr. Munro, and the second time Mr. Latham, the well known Carlton ale brewer.
Football is evidently a power in Melbourne."
(The Telegraph (Brisbane) October 22 p5)

The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages.50, 51, 259.
Mullin's Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951. Page. 66.
The Argus 1881 editions.
South Australian Advertiser, 1881 editions.
The Leader, 1881 editions.
The Australasian, 1881 editions.
The South Australian Register, 1881 editions.
The Age, 1881 editions.
The Kilmore Free Press, August 4 1881.
The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil, 1881 editions.
The Burra Record, 1881 editions.
The Sunday Times (Perth) 1937 edition.
Port Adelaide News, 1881 editions.
Mount Alexander Mail, 1881 editions.
Ballarat Star, 1881 editions.
The Herald, 1881 editions.

Pre VFL Players | The Guernsey | Pre VFL Venues
Melbourne Rules Years: 1864 |Challenge Cup Competition: 1865 | 1866 | 1867 | 1868 | 1869 | 1870 | 1871 | 1872 | 1873 | 1874 | 1875 | 1876
VFA Years: 1877 | 1878 | 1879 | 1880 | 1881 | 1882 | 1883 | 1884 | 1885 | 1886 | 1887 | 1888 | 1889 | 1890 | 1891 | 1892 | 1893 | 1894 | 1895 | 1896

Contributors to this page: blueycarlton , molsey , nikki , Jarusa and admin .
Page last modified on Monday 25 of September, 2023 18:58:46 AEST by blueycarlton.