Mens sana in corpore sano...

Club Motto

Proudly part of Carlton's crest is the latin phrase:

'Mens sana in corpore sano'

...which broadly translates in English to 'sound mind and sound body'.

The Carlton Cricket Club had used the motto since the club's inception.
It was emblazoned around the cricket club's clock.
The Argus, December 3 1894, mentions the inscription, in a cricket article, "mens sana in corpore sano is the motto over the door of the Carlton Club pavilion".
In 1903 coach Jack Worrall wanting to send the players "a message" suggested to the committee to adopt it, and it was.


The Weekly Times October 04 1884 article on the Carlton Cricket Club.
The cricket club's motto.
The erection of club building which was later moved to Princes Park ground in the late 1890's.
Cricket/football club identities.
To read click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article221210587

Emblems and Tradition
Contributors to this page: blueycarlton and molsey .
Page last modified on Monday 28 of March, 2016 11:21:11 AEDT by blueycarlton.

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